The Grand Jury decision will be announced an hour and a half from - TopicsExpress


The Grand Jury decision will be announced an hour and a half from now. Most everyone expects no probable cause to be found against Officer Wilson. If that is the outcome, rioting and looting is expected. If it turns out that charges are filed, there will be celebration... and probably rioting and looting. That is the nature of animals who riot and loot. Its been said that thousands of protesters have been bused in... I dont know by whom. They want justice... which has nothing to do with a Grand Jury examining evidence and drawing informed conclusions. For these protesters, justice is only served if Officer Wilson is charged with murder, despite a great deal of already leaked evidence that he was only doing his job and then protecting himself. It sounds as if the prosecutor intends to present the evidence to the public during the announcement tonight if there is no indictment. That is unusual, but obviously intended to appeal to those of us who still believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty, and that facts matter. Lynch mobs wont listen, or even care, but its probably worth the attempt. Many schools and businesses in the area, on both sides of the river, are closing early tonight and not opening tomorrow. Ive heard that businesses in Ferguson have seen a 70% reduction in sales. Some have closed their doors for good. Most all of them have been boarded up for self preservation. The state of Missouri has been put under a state of emergency, and the National Guard is in St. Louis. Police have been training for weeks. Some, if not all of them, are working twelve hour shifts and staying in the areas they are working. One that I know of lives on our side of the river (Illinois), but has been under orders to stay in St. Louis since this past Friday. His wife and kids are extremely worried. Hundreds of protesters are already gathering outside the Ferguson Police Station. They are also already in the street, obviously raising Hell and impeding traffic, peacefully? . Maybe things will remain somewhat peaceful, or at least no one will be killed. I wish I had more reason to expect that. My hope is that justice actually is served. Real justice... not mob justice. Clearly people are afraid, but people here are also prepared. Other areas around the country need to be watchful, as it has been reported that protests are planned in many other cities. Tonight is the the night we witness the character people want to be judged by. Well see how that goes.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:36:21 +0000

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