“The Greatest tragedy in mankind’s entire history may be the - TopicsExpress


“The Greatest tragedy in mankind’s entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion” Arthur C. Clark • Until 323 AD, Christianity was nothing more than many conflicting fables about Jesus, spread by inconsequential itinerate priests, with little power or consequence. The idea that Jesus could walk on water but he was so ordinary and powerless that there are no accounts in Roman History of him for 100 years but no church teaches the history of the bible and instead brain washes followers with the big like that the new testament were written by his disciples not from stories passed down many generations is outright fraud, especially since Jews do not even recognize Jesus as the son of a God. The oldest and first Gospel was first written 70 years after the death of Christ. Most Gospels were written over a hundred years after the death of Christ. • The incontrovertible fact that the horribly evil murderous pagan Roman Ruler Constantine the Great Saint Constantine Flavius Valerius Constantinus AD ca. 285 - AD 337, during the decline and fall of Rome, claimed to have a vision and rallied desperate priests, who needed his power and position to survive, to translate only gospels, Constantine selected, to become the first official the new testament, high jacks morality and poisons all of the new testament. The gospel of Jesus’ closest disciple, Mysterious “Disciple Whom Jesus Loved”, the gospel of Mary and many other gospels were omitted. If a god or gods exist, he, she, it or them would never use Constantine, who was as evil and murderous as Hitler, to select what was in the new testament or to spread the Christian religion with power, force, murder, war and fear. • No god would enable the Christian religion to cause Inquistions, crusades, the dark ages or hold back Science over a thousand years by burning or drawing and quartering or crucifying those who publically questioned the bibles myths of creation, the ark, the whale and other absurd stores. • Bishop Desmond Tutu explained it perfectly: “When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said “Let us pray.” We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.” And then they took many of us and made those they took slaves. • Chief Pontiac said “They came with a Bible and their religion stole our land, crushed our spirit, not they tell us we should be thankful to their lord for being saved.” 1718-1769. • Christians gave American Indians more bibles took more land with force, gave them small pox, made water unpalatable and tried to crush Natives’ Respect for Nature. They broke the treaty with the Cherokees, and took more land, caused thousands die in the Trail Of Tears. Google that Trail Of Tears and learn about it. • Then Mormons: gave Indians Books of Mormons and claimed the Indians were Jews God had banished from Israel because they were Evil. Mormons took all of the as much land from the Indians as they could. The Mormons dressed up as Indians and killed thousands of Anglo settlors in Meadow Mountain Massacre and blamed Indians for their massacre. • In the Name of Christ Hitler killed over six million Jews. • Now, the Jews in Israel, are doing the same thing to Palestine residents • Michael Moore: Christian right is keeping U.S. in the ‘dark ages’ By David Ferguson. On “Real Time with Bill Maher,” host Bill Maher and a panel made up of MSNBC’s Rev. Al Sharpton, author and professional skeptic Richard Dawkins, filmmaker Michael Moore and former U.S. CIA operative Valerie Plame discussed radical Islam and the corrosive effects of religious zealotry on science and culture. Now The Good News. “Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense.” Richard Dawkins. Christopher Hitchens. Casing “sin stones” and proclaiming that your manufactured God is the only path to salvation and the ancient is the only explanation for creation, not science encourages more religious holy wars and detracts against morality, fundamental fairness, peace and stopping terrorism.”
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 23:29:46 +0000

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