The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies: A Review by John - TopicsExpress


The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies: A Review by John Knoke Spoilers Possible, read at your own risk So I went to see the third Hobbit movie last night, and I will start right off giving my direct out of ten rating if thats all you care about, 8/10. Now for a bit about LotR in general. I am a huge fan of the original LotR movies and books. I will say that the LotR movies were better than the books, they left out some important moments and things I wanted to see originally (Tom Bombadil), but overall the books are hard to read, they are a bit dry at times and leave you wanting to finish it, but finding it hard to continue on. The Hobbit is the exact opposite, the book is better than the three (should have been two) movies. The second hobbit movie is unnecessary, they couldve condensed the movies into two without drawing unnecessary story arcs, focus on Sauron (we know hes influencing everything, why do we need to focus on it?), the pale orc is actually a nice addition it gives Thorin a purpose and ultimately a killer, someone to hate, in the book you dont have anyone person to blame, but as a movie that doesnt translate well, adding a main orc antagonist was a good idea. Ultimately though the book is something that you dont want to put down, you want to finish it, the three movies you just want to be over at times, not because you want to know what happens, but to be done with them, and thats not doing justice to it. About the third movie specifically I was absolutely astounded they killed Smaug within the first twenty minutes, I thought it was going to be drawn out and boring, but they did it justice, he should have died in two if it had to be three movies, but killing him early was fine. The elf-dwarf romance scenes are completely unnecessary and take away from the movie so it does lose out in those moments, but regardless the movie moves along fine (the Sarumon, Galadriel, and Elrond vs. The Wraiths was awesome). The Battle is set up nicely, it doesnt really drag on in a way that bores the viewer and there are some rather cool scenes. Dain shows up, the dwarf cousin that didnt want to help take the mountain with his army to help fight, and then true to the book the orcs attack and they have to band together to fight this menace. He was heavily CGI, with some research I found that this was largely due to Connollys parkinsons issues, but this just didnt feel right in LotR, the key characters were always more practical and actual actors as opposed to CGI (minus certain orcs etc.) Every time I looked at him I felt he was a dwarf straight out of World of Warcraft, (which would be great in the WoW movie, but not here.) The dwarves take some rams up the mountainside, which in the middle of an epic fight where did the rams come from? The story progresses and things happen, none of it needing any criticism, it was good for what it was. Towards the very end Gandalf asks Bilbo about Thorin, however Bilbo cant quite bring himself to say what he thought of him, though Gandalf knows. Back in the shire the hobbits ask Bilbo just who Thorin was, oblivious to his untimely death and Bilbo delivers the line a friend Arguably my favorite line from the movie it really sums up how Bilbo came to appreciate the chance he was given. Definitely worth it for fans of Lotr, and dont let the second hobbit [prevent you from viewing.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:36:48 +0000

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