The Human Rights Watch, Thailand want to condemn the Government of - TopicsExpress


The Human Rights Watch, Thailand want to condemn the Government of the United States of America, some of the EU government, that interfere with the internal affairs of the Coup de Tait in Thailand. We, the Human Rights Watch of Thailand appreciate the Royal Thai Army operation to outs the Yingluck Shinnawatra government and bring peace and order back to the citizens of Thailand.We are confident that under the current Martial Law and full control of the army, the citizens will be safer than under the deposed government and the terrorist will be destroyed completely. The deposed government came to power by the process of election not like the decent election in democratic process.The Pue Thai party came to power by vote-buying to get the parliament majority and set up the government.The government has ruled the country by democratic dictatorship,human rights violation, corruption,and violation of constitution court and violation to the rule of laws. When the Thai citizens came out to protest in peaceful gatherings , and called for the resignation, the government sent the police troop to use the real bullet to control the peaceful protest. There were a terrorists who came out to use the warfare machine gun and M79 to bombard the peaceful gathering resulting in thousands of casualties during the months long protest in Thailand. The deposed government did not do anything to stop the killings and violence of the innocent people who use the freedom of expression in democratic way to protest the ruling government. The constitution court has convicted the Prime Minister, Ms. Yingluck Shinnawatra , of constitution violation and power abused, and order her to leave the office with 9 of the cabinet members, but the remaining cabinet members denied to resign from their position and wanted to continue in power and insist to go for election. But ten of millions citizens has come out to the streets to asked the government to step down first because they are confident that ,under this caretaker government, the election would not be clean and we would end up in vote buying and become under the democratic dictatorship of the same tyrant,Thaksin Shinnawatra and his family again. Under the ruling of the caretaker government, the citizens of Thailand do not want to go for election. We want the caretaker government to resign gracefully to no avail. The caretaker government has abused the democratic principles and violates citizenss rights and let the terrorists to killed and harm the protests for more than six months continuously. Ten of millions citizens has joined in the protest group and has risked their lives everyday. The Royal Thai Army has the duty and responsibility to keep laws and order in the country. So the Army has to come in to protect the unarmed protesters and to control and perished the tyrant government and release the country from the dictator tyrant government and restore peace and harmony back to the kingdom of Thailand again. We,the Human Rights watch group, and the majority of Thai citizens are very happy with the operation of the Royal Thai army. We understand that the army has success in throwing the tyrant government but it need to continue the Martial Law in order to destroy the terrorists and bring back laws and order and restore the democracy to our country in the very near future. So all the foreign governments of the world, please do not interfere with the internal affairs of Thailand and do not support the democratic dictator for any longer! Human Rights Watch group,Thailand.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 23:47:27 +0000

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