The Kindness of Gods Love: 1 Cor. 13:4 Love is... Kind The - TopicsExpress


The Kindness of Gods Love: 1 Cor. 13:4 Love is... Kind The kindness of God is something we often overlook or can take for granted because Gods kindness at times can seem so subtle that we could miss it. His kindness is everlasting, it is infinite, it is good. God has endless thoughts towards you and imaginations of all the wonderful and kind things He can do, wants to do, and will do, in your life if you will let Him. He is the kindest Gentleman, Father, Friend, Lord, Servant, Brother, Judge, Provider, Protector and so much more, that we could have. We must believe in His kindness to fully see and receive His kindness towards us. The more we spend time with Him, and the less time we spend looking at the failures and views of this world, the more clearly we will see God in our midst; and the more clearly we will see Gods plans to change the bad that is around us. There are many things that can happen in our lives that are not Gods plan, nor desire for us, but we must learn to not allow that to cause us to think that God is not kind, simply because we have had bad experiences (and I am learning this myself). Gods kindness goes beyond circumstances, as it is eternal, everlasting, ever-present and always ready to reach out to us. His kindness is displayed when we enjoy a nice meal, are able to breathe fresh air, communicate our deepest thoughts, and get a front row parking It is also demonstrated by bringing restoration to those who have lost, caring for the brokenhearted, healing the sick, carrying our burdens, releasing our breakthroughs, mourning with those who mourn, rejoicing with those who rejoice, and by loving those around us in practical ways. Possibly one of the greatest evidences and demonstrations of Gods kindness is in our own ability to be kind to one another. For without the nature of Gods kind Love inside of us, we would not have the capacity to be kind to one another. Look for a demonstration(s) of Gods kindness in your life today and give Him thanks for being kind towards you :)
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 23:16:17 +0000

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