The Lamu County and Tana-River County killings incidents are - TopicsExpress


The Lamu County and Tana-River County killings incidents are cowardice, ugly, cruel, unacceptable and unfortunate. Innocent citizens lives being terminated randomly is not a cool show at all. Unfortunately, the government know the root-cause of this rampant killings in The Coastal Region but Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto have retorted to rhetoric tough talk instead of addressing the root-cause of ongoing senseless killings in Kenya. Must Office of the Deputy President - Kenya holder direct threats to Police Units Heads that if they dont track down the perpetrators of killings in Hindi and else where they risk a sack? The Deputy President know security protocol pretty well. Taking advantage of media cameras to dictate and threaten Security Units Heads amount to exhibition of panic, desperation, escapist and defeatists characteristics. Historical injustices related to Land Issues and Economical Sabotage in Coastal Region must be addressed urgently if at all the government is sincere in it s quest to arrest the prevailing insecurity situation in Coastal Region. No Doctor worth his salt can prescribe pain killers to cure Typhoid. The government should cure Coastal Region insecurity problem with real solution bound talks but not with deployment of security personnel to the extreme. Kenya is not a police state. We risk losing our security personnel in primitive compact with dissidents because, security personnel are likely to become targets of disarmament and elimination. Inspector General David Kimaiyo Mwole should also know that, in as much as Mombasa Republican Council MRC is still alive and reorganized in Coastal Region, Al- Shabaab terrorist group also have units in Coastal Region of Kenya and Somalia. They have twice accepted responsibility of recent attacks in Kenya . What make IG Kimaiyo rule out Al-Shabaab? Speculation doesnt amount to Intelligence.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:34:18 +0000

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