"The Last Call" June 23, 2013 My Dearest - TopicsExpress


"The Last Call" June 23, 2013 My Dearest Beloveds, I want you to understand something very important and pertinent to these days right now. For those with ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to receive~ hear what your YHWH speaks to you. Back in 2008, I gave a commission to My daughter during a 60 day water fast: "BUILD ME MY TABERNACLE FOR THE LAST CALL OF GOD ACROSS THE EARTH." Now is that time, My beloveds. After My servants and friends completed a 40 day fast at the beginning of this year in Israel, I made it perfectly clear and gave them MANY SIGNS AND CONFIRMATIONS THAT ~NOW~ IS THE TIME TO BUILD ME MY TABERNACLE! I told them, "BUILD IT, AND THEY WILL COME." I now open My humble tabernacle to you, My beloveds. Seek Me diligently and ask Me if you are to come to MY HOLY LAND. I want you to seek Me regarding the specifics of where, when, why, and how. These questions will all be answered for you. Seek Me about all these things in the secret place in prayer and fasting, and I shall answer you! Seek Me on all end-time matters and especially that which concerns My End-Time Move~ THE LAST GREAT HARVESTINGS OF SOULS! Seek Me for the truth about THIS TABERNACLE OF MINE, AND HOW I AM USING IT AS A PROFOUND END-TIME LAST MOVE OF MY SPIRIT AND CALLING OF YAHUWAH~ YOUR JEHOVAH GOD! I AM NOW summonsing My 144,000 to COME! Come to Israel when I say COME. You already knew you would come one day... Well, IT IS TIME, beloved warriors of Mine! All is in place, and MY GLORY SHALL INVADE MY HOLY LAND AND ACROSS THE EARTH! My Glory shall be right where I have ordained it to be~IN MY HOLY LAND! My friend will meet and greet you, and I will do the rest. In My great mercy and because there are still so many crying out to Me from the land of America, fasting and praying and repenting-I have sent My other friend back to America for a short time to delay My judgments on the earth, especially in AMERICA. Beloveds, when you see THE GLORY-CLOUD BY DAY AND THE PILLAR-OF-FIRE BY NIGHT, KNOW THAT BOTH MY GLORY AND MY JUDGMENTS ARE INVADING THE EARTH! You shall see and hear about this very soon! This is ONLY ME~ THE GREAT I AM, YOUR YHVH~ doing this with My Son YAHUSHUA~YOUR KING AND SAVIOR~ and Our mighty HOLY SPIRIT~ THE RUACH HA KODESH! I require HOLINESS AND RIGHTOUSNESS for you to enter through My gates. Fast and Pray and Seek MY face about this very special ordained visitation and appointment I have for you. I will begin with My lovely Daughters/ Brides from South Africa and America: They shall be the first to come and receive the blessing for obeying Me,walking in faith and answering when I summonsed them to come to MY HOLY LAND. The prophetic fulfillment of Joel 2 is now beginning to unfold in a very profound way. I AM bringing this first divine appointment and encounter of My anointed, ordained and ready willing Daughters/Brides. My dear Sons, I am beckoning you, too... But have to admit and be honest with you: So many more daughters are ready to receive My end-time anointing and the infilling of My GLORY than My Sons. SO GET READY, MY BELOVED SONS- BRIDES! WE WANT ALL ORDAINED TO COME. COME, COME, MY BELOVEDS, COME! I will be there with My Son YAHUSHUA and Our RUACH HA KOSDESH! If you doubt My WORDS and MY WORD, then this is NOT FOR YOU! But if you have the faith of a mustard seed, then you shall see the GLORY OF THE LORD...And blessed are they who have pure hearts, for THEY SHALL SEE GOD! NO FALLEN ANGEL OR HUMAN IS GOING TO STOP MY LAST CALL OF GOD ACROSS THE EARTH! The invitations are being dispersed throughout the earth as I release these words into the atmosphere right now by My Angel Messengers. Are you invited to this HOLY CONVOCATION OF SAINTS AND END-TIME PROPHETS OF THE MOST HIGH? My 144,000~ Prepare and be ready to come when I send Word to YOU. You have been prepared to receive all I have a waiting for you in Jerusalem and throughout MY HOLY LAND! Get rid of the old doctrines and teachings of man and SEEK ME~ your GOD, YHWH~ for the unsealing of the little book as well as the hidden mysteries and secrets of Daniel, John, and many other prophets of old. Let it be foretold in these days NOW! For IT IS TIME! Please remember: My Son Yahushua began his life in a humble, simple cave with the animals. Beloveds~ Come to MY HOLY LAND AND MEET ME IN MY TABERNACLE! Please My Bride, ALWAYS pray for all the lost sheep, for the 144,000, and for My Two Witnesses! Prepare yourselves My Bride: YOUR KING YAHUSHUA IS COMING! REPENT BELOVEDS, FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND! Precious ones of the earth, THIS IS "MY ~LAST~ CALL". I bless you and love you... Shalom~ Your Beloved Husband, Abba Father, YHVH, I AM GOD יהוה Jeremiah 33:3 CALL UNTO ME AND I WILL ANSWER THEE, AND SHOW THEE GREAT AND MIGHTY THINGS WHICH THOU KNOWEST NOT!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 02:50:01 +0000

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