The Leo New Moon today initiates a wonderful time to reset - TopicsExpress


The Leo New Moon today initiates a wonderful time to reset troubling or nagging aspects of your life path. Exactly at 3:42 pm PT/ 6:L42 pm ET the Sun and the Moon align at 4 degrees of Leo. Universally, youre now supported through the guardianship of fixed fire and projects begun now will have staying power as well as joy. Everybody has issues or parts of life that need rejuvenation and/or repair. Consider that the cosmic Fire is now activated and standing by to help you burn through old habits and situations, and to institute a lasting new template. Jupiter channels the realm of the Arch Angels Nearby, also in early Leo, is Jupiter, the planet of expansion, opportunities, and even good luck. When understood and activated properly, Jupiter has a special gift - that of growth supported by an alignment with Spirit and guidance from you Higher Mind. Beginners Mind The troubling qualities of Jupiter are - TOO MUCH. Too much of a good thing; over spending; over eating; even bossy people who think they know it all are all examples of Jupiter gone wrong. Of course, we both know YOU are smart, aware, and in tune with only the best aspects of Jupiter. When those positive Jupiter opportunity bubbles float by you, be ready to seize the day and catch as many as you can. Your job is to stay in the zone of awareness, which is always done best by living in the present, not the future or the past. Make it easy and practice the simplicity of beginners mind. When you regard each day as a Tabla Rasa, a fresh new slate upon which you write the book of your life, youll harvest the ultimate rewards. Applied Will & Free Will Choice In astrology, the planet aligned with Leo is the Sun - which represents your will. Astrology does not replace your will by telling you what to do; rather, it offers guidance and insight on how to best apply your will. Let the fixed fire of Leo light you up! With the Sun and Moon aligned in Leo, supported with the blessings of Jupiter, you are supported, and inspired as you activate one of your most special and divine gifts - that of free will choice. This Leo New Moon is an invitation to activate your will power and apply the wisdom of your Higher Mind united with spiritual guidance. Living In the Zone Its time to DO those things youve been thinking about. The world is your stage- and youre the star of your own show! Nobody else can do it like you. With New Moon blessings, Astrologer Maya White direct link:
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 21:30:51 +0000

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