The Lord prompted me to share this with yall ...some people - TopicsExpress


The Lord prompted me to share this with yall ...some people fighting discouragement with their job needs to hear this ... YOU can do it !!!!!!! When I first got my Real estate license I was so so green but so on fire for my new job ... In one week I wrote up 14 offers and only one stuck . I had clients coming out my ears . God is so faithful .... I had this one couple that became very dear to me and we wrote up several offers and we were about to get acceptance and my broker calls me up and says shell come into my office I want to talk to you . Your clients decided to buy from another broker !!!! I was dirt poor , I mean dirt poor and I was trying to feed my three kids and SO discouraged . I started crying and explained how I didnt think I was a fit for this job ..I just didnt have what it took . I said I just fall in love with all my families , all the folks and it broke my heart when they went with someone else , especially after many hours of helping them . I said Im sorry but I think I better look for something else . I felt so rejected, ugly, stupid and just not qualified to do this. My broker whom I cherish to this day literally looked in my eyes and stopped and put his pen down and said I have never seen anyone as qualified as you ..... I said thats crazy .... Im new , I have an old beat up car , three kids depending on their mama who hadnt been out in this world for 20 years , who didnt even know how to scan a document , who has no money for groceries and barely hanging in there . He goes you are driven , you make people laugh and NO matter what you cling to your faith passed the exam with flying colors , trust me its going to get easier . Real estate is easy stuff compared to living in a shelter and recycling cans and raising three kids and homeschooling all of them on top of that. Real estate is a piece of cake ... He goes Ive never hired a new agent under 15 years but something inside me tells your not a quitter . I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!! I believe you will sell lots of real estate. I wiped my eyes , sucked it up , he gave me a hug and said now GO GET EM shell ..... Well , I did and everytime an escrow falls apart due to circumstances beyond my control , I go back to that precious day with that broker . It is my constant reminder that I can do it and those words were life to me .... I align it up with the word of God and KNOW God has my back even when things look dim sometimes ... Those words of encouragement have taught me to dig in , to be BOLD and to know I can do a good job ... The first house I sold , I made 26,000 off of it .... I about died !!!! My income on page one of my tax returns just a few years ago was 5200.00 for the year with 3 kids and by the grace of God my bills all got paid and I never once was late . To get that much on one check made me weep . I was so so grateful ......! If Jesus can do it for this simple country girl , He surely wants to do it for you too... Reach out tonight and ask The Lord for divine favor , remember to give back and keep a pure heart before HIM. Speak destiny and encourage yourself and others that all things are possible to those who believe. I speak hope to all the people that are discouraged in their job right now or have lost their jobs. God I ask for supernatural help Jesus and I ask God that you download confidence peace and strength to each one .....
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:14:03 +0000

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