The Lord woke me up 3am this morning and I wrote this prayer of - TopicsExpress


The Lord woke me up 3am this morning and I wrote this prayer of covering. I declare and I decree that you and your family shall be covered this day. Every attack that the enemy had launched against you shall not prosper. PRAY THIS PRAYER OF COVERING NOW!!!! Father in the name of Jesus , I pray this prayer in the Power of God with the authority of Jesus Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind, rebuke and bring to no effect all division, discord, disunity, strife, anger, wrath, murder, criticism, condemnation, pride, envy, jealousy, gossip, slander, evil speaking, complaining, lying, false teaching, false gifts, false manifestations, lying signs and wonders, poverty, fear of lack, fear of spirits, murmuring spirits, complaining spirits, hindering spirits, retaliatory spirits, deceiving spirits, religious spirits, occult spirits, witchcraft spirits. I reject all curses in the name of Jesus Christ that have been spoken against me. I bless those who curse me and pray for Christian blessings on those who despitefully use me. I reject all spoken judgements made against me and withdraw and annul those judgements I have made against others. I bind the power of negative words from others and I bind and render useless all prayers generated by the occult, whether new age, psychic, soul force, witchcraft, or counterfeit tongues made against me. I am God’s child. I submit myself to God. I resist the devil. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I put on the whole armour of God. I take authority over this day in the name of Jesus Christ. Let it be a day of spiritual growth and prosperity for me, let me walk in the centre of the circle of your will and bask in your love oh God. May the Holy Spirit lead and guide me today. Lead me to discern between the righteous and the wicked. I take authority over satan and all his demons and beasts of the field. I declare satan is under my feet and shall remain there all day. I have been made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ. I am the property of the King of kings, Lord of lords, the almighty God who gave Himself a ransom for all. I and my family my home, my finances and my vehicles are protected from satan and his underlings. My body, soul and spirit is protected by the power of God. I confess that my whole being is healed and made complete by the blood of Jesus Christ. I will flourish, be stable, durable, incorruptible, fruitful, virtuous, full of peace, patience and love. Whatsoever I set my hands to do shall prosper, for God supplies all my need. God I pray for the ministry you have for me. Anoint me God for all you have called me to do with you. I invite divine appointments and open doors of opportunity, God ordained encounters and ministry positions. I thank you O God for all these blessings which you are doing for me this day. I praise you, I worship you, I give you my life this day to do with what you will, fully aware of your infinite knowledge and desire for my ultimate spiritual growth in you. Thank you my God and Father.I DECLARE AND I DECREE THAT YOUR BLOOD COVERS ME THIS DAY . SATAN WE SERVE YOU NOTICE THAT SHOWTIME IS OVER YOU SHALL BE DESTROYED THIS DAY!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 09:22:22 +0000

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