The Mishna in Pirkei Avos (3:20) says VChol HaRotzeh Lilvos Yavo - TopicsExpress


The Mishna in Pirkei Avos (3:20) says VChol HaRotzeh Lilvos Yavo VYilveh, Whoever wants to borrow should come and borrow. Everything in the world belongs to HaShem. Whatever we take or use is taken on loan will need to be repaid. The more we indulge the more debt we incur. Over a lifetime we will accrue massive amounts of debt. How will we manage to repay it? R’ Mordechai Elefant z”l answered with a parable. When you go to a restaurant, everything you order is marked down and upon your departure you are hit with a bill. However, a waiter takes food when he is hungry and no one cares. For him it’s all free since he is busy serving others. Our homes, cars, clothing, and food are very expensive and one day we will need to pay dearly for them. However if our home is a place to be hospitable, if our car is made for giving others rides, if our clothing does not flout others and our food is always passed around to the less fortunate, then we will not be sent a bill for our use of HaShems property. In that case, we haven’t taken anything as our own. Rather, it is HaShems and we are merely taking a nibble in between our tasks of delivering His bounty to His children. These perks are included for us since we’re not just visiting this world for our own pleasure - we’re on the job. Lillui nishmas Rivka Brein bas HaChaver R Eliezer.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 21:39:19 +0000

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