The Moon has left secret agent Scorpio and entered the domain of - TopicsExpress


The Moon has left secret agent Scorpio and entered the domain of professor Sagittarius. Suddenly, daydreams of far off climes enter our noggins and we start Indiana Jonesing for adventure. The Sag Moon tempts us to get things off our chests but blurting out the truth or spilling the beans right now could have unforeseen consequences. Since there are still several planets in Scorpio, certain information is still too sensitive to share. Were not quite ready to reveal the findings of our investigations and retrograde Mercury is giving us false leads. So best thing to do now is to celebrate the little triumphs and enjoy the glimpse of possibility that the Sag Moon is affording us. Tomorrow our heads could be swimming in wander lust but our commitments might have us stuck in the drab real world. Its hard to break out from our current circumstances but an inability to recognize opportunities could be making us repeat the same patterns. There are possibilities coming to us and we just need to grasp them. If there are things you want out of life, write them down and just spend some time thinking about them. Eventually your bucket list will start to manifest. A lot of people arent happy with their current lives and not surprisingly, wont take steps to change it. Start first by changing your attitude, then take a class or start looking for a new job. Do anything but complain. Later tomorrow, loving Venus enters Capricorn the goat. All of a sudden, we get joy out of fulfilling our obligations and feel satisfied after hard work. Soon it will join spicy Pluto also in Cappie bringing some hot one on one sessions behind closed doors (Capricorn is very modest and abhors public displays of affection unless it can further their careers). Sagittarius rules the hips and so they love to boogie woogie. Heres Sag Billy Idol dancing with a bunch of post apocalypse Scorpio zombies.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 23:11:01 +0000

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