The Morning Report 1/31/14 We had some of the beef last night, a - TopicsExpress


The Morning Report 1/31/14 We had some of the beef last night, a chuck roast and it was wonderful. Along with it were canned corn from our garden in the spring and tomatoes and cucumbers from the tower garden; boy was it a good supper. We also had mashed potatoes but they weren’t from our garden. Whenever we have one of these animals butchered; I always worry about what it will taste like until we eat the first piece; now the worries are over. I saw a post on FB this morning that we need to be thinking and doing something about. I reposted it in the hopes that several more folks will do the same and make the folks in the USA aware of what will happen to our food chain id something happens to the bees. Bees are one of the most beneficial insects that we have and we are slowly killing them off. I’ve read somewhere (don’t know if it is true but suspect there is a lot of validity to it) that is the bees in the world were to disappear, most of the world would starve. I really don’t think that is something that I would like to leave as a legacy to my children and grandchildren. This is something that scares me more than any war (and I really don’t like them). The large chemical companies and seed producing companies (which are sometimes the same) have produced seeds that when the plant grows and a bad insect gets on it and eats some of it, it causes that insect to die. This seems like a good thing but it does the same thing to the beneficial insects also like the bees. I understand wanting to develop insect resistant plants but I don’t understand it at the risk of destroying the beneficial insect population. We have GMO seeds and plants and probably most of the plants that are used today are modified in some way. We have produced hybrid of every kind of vegetable that I can think of and most of them don’t even resemble what the original vegetable was. Remember when tomatoes were really full of acid, now most all of the tomatoes are not and almost everybody can eat them, I would think that this is a genetically modified thing that was a good thing, but I still miss the flavor of the tomatoes of old. We are able to grow more and netter looking tomatoes now that we were when I was young. The tomatoes back then always had some type of mark on the stem end. It wasn’t any big thing, they just weren’t as pretty as the ones that didn’t, and they tasted just as good and were eaten all the same. As I look at all the tomatoes we have from the tower gardens, most of them have no blemishes. They are still good to eat (and I love my tomato sandwiches at lunch) and they are real pretty. The one I had yesterday would have made three sandwiches but I only had two, then I ate the rest of the tomato (and Jackie, I didn’t even put salt on it although salt pepper and mayonnaise was on the sandwiches). This was all good but we need to remember that a lot of all the good stuff that Kathy and I have is because of the bees. We do not want to see the bees disappear; I would like to see a ban on these chemicals being used on the vegetables that we eat. We are told that none of these chemicals are in the stuff we eat at a quantity that is harmful to us; I don’t know if I believe these reports. We are told that all of the chemicals that are put in our beef in feedlots are not in harmful amounts to us. I wonder if this is the producers trying to convince us of that or is it true. I’ve been convinced that over the years that most of these big companies have one goal and that is making a profit and if they can get away with something that will increase their profits, they will. I guess that the question is, if these GMO products and chemicals are so safe, why are they banned in most of Europe? What made them ban them and why has that been brought up here? Is it because somebody somewhere has been paid off? I don’t know the answers to these questions but I do know for a fact I do not want the bees to disappear from our world. Y’all have a great and wonderful day and remember to take a moment to smell the roses!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 11:00:21 +0000

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