The Morning Report I missed yesterday because I actually slept - TopicsExpress


The Morning Report I missed yesterday because I actually slept late and after reading the newspaper I was late for the breakfast club at the restaurant; so there was no morning report. I hope that everybody forgives me but oh well it is done. Today is a new beginning, we start each day with all the hopes that we gain everything than we want for the day and end the day thinking that we might have gotten a few of them. We have to realize that if we have captured a few of these things, we’ve done well. We always set our hopes to the highest level and hope we reach that goal, but in actuality if we have gained on it, we have done well. Kathy and I met with Gena and Richard Swartz last evening making plans for our return trip (for Richard and I) to Viet Nam. We are all dreading the long flight to reach over there but are looking forward to seeing the country again while not being shot at. I always said that it was a very beautiful country and thought so even while I was being shot at. As we get older our memories do amazing things for us. I thought that I was the only one who couldn’t remember the names of most of the guys that I spent a year with risking my life in a war zone; but I found out that Richard has the same problem. I think that the mind lets us remember but also doesn’t want us to remember. Richard was in the same company, the 134th Assault Helicopter Company that I was, just a couple of years after I left Viet Nam. He flew slicks (troop transport Hueys) and I flew gunships (“C” model Hueys). We walked in the same places doing different jobs and survived when a lot of our fellow men did not. We all wonder why I survived when these others didn’t. Why did we get to return home to family and friends when thousands of other returned in body bags? Was there a reason for this or was it just the luck of the draw? I don’t know the answer, I do know that I was told and read that the returning Viet Nam soldiers have the highest rate of professional folks after their service of any war that the US has been involved in but we were treated the worst by our fellow citizens. I think that I will always have hard feelings towards a lot of Americans who did this to us, even more than the feelings that I have for Jane Fonda. I didn’t get to mow any hay yesterday because of the weather and I’m hoping that I will be able to finish that field and be ready to move to another. We have a short period of time to get all this how cut and baled before the frost hits and I would like to be done with it by then. In the newspaper today, I was pleasantly surprised by an article in the Lake Sentinel by Lauren Ritchie. She complimented me by writing an article about me and this report that I do and I thank her very much. As most of you know I write this for me and hope that all of you who read it enjoy it. It is to get me to forget about my aches and pains and to get my day started in a good way. I could write about all of the problems in the world and complain about all of them and sometimes I do but I try to have a solution to the problem not just a b-----. Y’all have a great and wonderful day and remember to take a moment to smell the roses!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:56:47 +0000

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