The Mt. Shasta Out of the Blue Transformational Retreat 2014! - TopicsExpress


The Mt. Shasta Out of the Blue Transformational Retreat 2014! -May 25th to June 1st, 2014 Hello Friends - We had such a rollicking, harmonious and transformational time experiencing beautiful Mt. Shasta, California and Crater Lake, Oregon that I decided in 2014 to do it again. Mt. Shasta is a major electromagnetic vortex that is connected to both Glastonbury, England and Lake Titicacca in Peru while Crater Lake is an actual volcanic caldera and home to some of the purest energies I have ever experienced. See my Facebook-Imsara Dom--for lots of pics. We experienced moving meditations in secret energy vortexes located back within the mountain, had a 90 minute crystal healing bowl group session with 65 bowls, marveled at the majesty of the colors and energy at C rater Lake, had gentle kundalini yoga classes in the energetic glow of the Mt. Shasta itself, laughed much and restored our vitality and love of nature with early morning walks at our secret alpine lake, lounged on our own personal beach with fresh water pond and generally reveled in the ambience, the meals we prepared, the lushness of our 20 acre surroundings and the nourishment of each others sharing and company. And theres more!...we have our own personal telescope to do nighttime viewing, a fireplace for watching a cool movie and snacking on Marys famous popcorn as well as doing some light hiking, visiting sites that are filled with exquisite energy frequencies that have a healing effect on the body and brain. If that wasnt enough, we learn how to make our own personal alchemical elixirs, examined our evolutionary astrology charts in combination with the chart of our visit to Mt. Shasta to reveal deeper layers of the call there and watched nature teach, invigorate, communicate and illustrate its many messages to us. Some of us made deeper connections to our guides, met new guides, again, laughed alot , took lots of pictures and generally felt damn good! So, my desire for our upcoming visit is to offer the best Mt. Shasta can offer us plus add some new visits, classes and experiences that can fortify and empower your retreat experience with everything you desire as well as added blessings and benefits from the Cosmos. As you begin to resonant with the deeply transforming energies of our sparkling surroundings you might be interested to realize that Mt. Shasta is a centuries old natural environment that is known for its welcoming embrace to cosmic travelers from all over the world. It is a convergence point of some of the most potent transformational energies on earth and is filled with ley lines, grids and vortexes that work their magic as you drink in the natural surroundings. Mt. Shasta is the holder and resting place with many a legend that speaks of star travelers, mystics, nature helpers and gurus. With pristine alpine lakes, happy streams, mesmerizing vistas and sparkling blue skies, Mt. Shasta is the catalyst to spark new realizations, visions and connection to those who thirst for a bigger drink from the cosmic fountain. I have been traveling there regularly since 2005 to share the bounty of this beautiful place and am filled with joy to be going again. I never get tired of the feast! See details below: We will experience many of these energy sites, weather permitting, such as: Shasta Caverns Castle Lake Burney Falls Panther Meadows Bunny Flats Mt Shasta Crater Lake in Oregon Serenity Vortex Faerie Vortex Hedge Creek Falls and more.... We will also have classes either on site at our rich and diverse location or at the energy sites depending on what flows. These classes are designed to support and nourish your experience of the area. Some of these classes will be: Kundalini Yoga Reiki Making Alchemical Elixirs Meditation Healing with Sound Evolutionary Astrology Our Accommodations are truly unique with a: • HUGE breathtaking views of Mt. Shasta• Incredible STAR GAZING with telescope access• Private natural pond with a sand beach and zip line• A nature trail along the Creek located on the property• Cozy large chalet, wood burning fire, comfortable beds• Complimentary Wifi is available for your use• Adjacent to the Shasta National Forest and Lake Siskiyou• Privacy, serenity and peace Our experience includes dorm and double shared accommodations, most meals from our very own kitchen, all transportation, classes and workshops. This experience is designed for the purpose of also building community, connection, teamwork and lots of laughter. You need only bring $ for a few (plan for approx 3-4) meals out, personal shopping (we will also explore in Mt. Shasta city where there are stunning gem and crystal shopping), and personal items. Our fridge will be stocked with a variety of wholesome foods throughout the week w/ access to markets throughout. We stock plenty of fresh veggies, organic greens, yogurts, granola, fruit, meats and eggs, coffee, teas and many other good and wholesome things to eat. To Register: $1495.00: Deposit of $475.00 with 3 payments due of $340.00 each no later than April 15, 2014. RT Airfare (Redding, California - RDD) is not included. Please note that the weather, historically in Shasta, is cool and clear. Space is limited to 11 participants. To reserve a space send your deposit to Imsara at address below. Deposits are non-refundable. Travel insurance is highly recommended--go to Squaremouth, plug in the numbers and voila!--easy as pie Once you are registered a detailed packing list and finding airfare options and times will be emailed. Let the fun begin...! Dr. Imsara 727.821.8300 imsara/ Here’s some information on: Barbara Wastart --Certified Kundalini yoga teacher and meditation teacher After a long career in the world of corporate America, Barbara walked away to pursue her dream of building a wellness resort. Upachaya,located on the island of Roatan, Honduras, is the fruit of that dream. Her path through life has led her to a more holistic lifestyle first becoming Reiki attuned in 2005 leading to attunement as a Reiki Master in 2011. During this timeframe Barbara also pursued and finalized her certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner through the Global College of Natural Medicine. Barbara was introduced to Kundalini Yoga in the Spring of 2008 and felt it immediately resonate within her. She is particularly fond of the active movement associated with Kundalini Yoga, and coupled with the beautiful sounds of the chanting, the powerful mantras and mudras, along with the energy it provides for stimulating and healing the internal organs, she found it to be a complete body, mind activation process that aids in enlightenment. In 2009 she traveled to the Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh, India where she received her KRI certification as a Kundalini Yoga Instructor. Recently Barbara enhanced her yoga practice by earning her certification as a Water Yoga Instructor, and incorporating Yin Yoga in daily classes offered at her wellness resort. All that Barbara has learned through her studies she loves to share with others. Her philosophy is, the more she shares, the more awakened others become, which leads to more balance and harmony in the Universe. You can find Barbara on her weekly talk show, Holistic Living with Barb, every Saturday morning at 8:00 CST (not daylight savings) live streaming on roatanradio and the local airwaves at 101.1 FM,The Island Buzz. Barbara Wastart Holistic Health Practitioner, Reiki Master, IKYTA Yoga Instructor DJ Holistic Living with Barb 101.1 FM The Bay Islands Buzz upachaya 011-504-3309-7615 Mary Brown-Mary Brown, CNA, is a Reiki Master in both Usui and Karuna® modalities and enjoys working with sound/vibration therapies. She is also working on her certification for Evolutionary Astrology. When she’s not fine-tuning her techniques with family and friends while building a healing practice, she’s usually outdoors, hiking, kayaking or camping. She likes exploring new frontiers, having recently traveled to Costa Rica, Egypt, Poland and Mt. Shasta. And she’s a bit of a thrill seeker, always testing her limits, whether it was playing roller derby for 4 years, piloting a helicopter, or, most recently, skydiving for her birthday. She lives and works in Bradenton, Florida. Dr. Imsara, DOM, AP is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Teacher and Evolutionary Astrologist who specializes uniquely in helping to heal those who are in pain or otherwise feeling blocked from enjoying a life of wellness and prosperity. Dr. Imsara is licensed as a primary care physician in Oriental Medicine and also holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health from the University of South Florida. Dr. Imsara is also an experienced evolutionary astrologist and teacher who has shared her passion for this discipline in classes, consultations and periodic updates for those who are seeking true growth and understanding. Over the past 14 years Dr. Imsara has created a series of programs called The Pyramids of Light to assist others in personal and evolutionary growth. She is currently writing a book that will serve as a major tool as one progresses through the pyramids. She also offers periodic journeys to energy sites around the world such as Egypt, Peru, Glastonbury and Mt. Shasta . You can contact Imsara for further information or to make an appointment at 727.821.8300 or visit her at imsara/.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:51:41 +0000

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