The Music Hustle The truth is I often beat myself up for not - TopicsExpress


The Music Hustle The truth is I often beat myself up for not doing enough to manifest my dreams of seeing the world through singing to it… I often pit myself against my work ethic or momentary lack their of and wonder if I am where I am because I don’t work hard enough…doing this also leaves me void of appreciation for the progress that’s been made, where I am in my life and overall life contentment…I guess what it comes down to is I look for reasons not to love myself or the life I’m living. (Which I’m quite aware is insane because i’m blessed beyond belief) This past weekend, I realized something…. I’m working damn hard and the past weekend isn’t unusual in my life at all, in fact it’s actually a normal few hours in the life of an independent musician….this type of music hustle is common among myself, my bandmates and plenty of others who live, eat and breathe the music hustle. It all started bright and early Saturday morning when I got to work and taught people of all ages new sining techniques and helped them to discover their voices in new ways. Lot’s of professional and semi professional musicians teach music lessons and I really enjoy teaching voice because I love helping people learn what I love to do, and what they love to do too! I worked teaching voice from 11am - 5pm and at five on the dot I ran out the door to catch my train back home because I had a van full of my best buds waiting to pick me up so we could drive out to Niagaira and Rock the F-Out at a birthday/charity show! It was me + 7 friends in the van for a good hour and a half listening to music, laughing about Tinder and talking all things life and POLARITY. We hit the stage at 10:30pm, played a nice long nine song set and as per usual, the venue really perked up when we hit the stage and the area around the stage got crowded, those who weren’t crowded around were listening intently and clapping loudly at the end of each song. It was a successful set and in-between packing up and heading home there was another band, meeting new fans, discussing universal wonders with new people who were curious about our lyrical content, playing a game we created with bouncy balls and a pint glass, oh, and gluten free cupcakes…can’t forget the gluten free cupcakes…by the time I got home it was 3am on Sunday and I had just survived a 19hr day. I had a few moments of lucid clarity before falling into deep sleep and I realized what I had just done and what I had to wake up for…the studio… did I really just have a FULL day of music and then get to wake up and enjoy more music in a beautiful music studio…? I fell asleep with a smile and counted my blessings making sure I reached at least 19 before I fell asleep. Maybe I should love myself for working hard after all…and maybe we should all be more forgiving and patient with our life path? Studio call time on Sunday was 4pm, and though exhausted from the day before, I was very happy that my Sunday consisted of making a big delicious breakfast, having a nice tea and then heading to DNA Recording Facility for a band listening session where we as a full band listened to all of the songs thus far and goosebumps ensued. (Just incase you didn’t know, goosebumps are a sure sign you’re working on something really special.) What I realized is that I am putting in my appropriate music hustle, I mean, in the last 48hrs all of my time was immersed in music, and the time that wasn’t was literally travel time on the way to music or catching a few hours of sleep before heading to the studio to make more music. This realization infused me with acceptance for where we are at this point in our carrear and where I am personally. Just because we’re not rocking international stages yet doesn’t mean we won’t get there soon and I’m not trying hard enough, it just means my life path is unfolding at a pace that’s right for me and my bandmates. The reality of the situation is i’m hustling each and everyday to make it happen and so are the four other members of this band…relief, calm and a gentle love for myself and my bandmates ensued. Our time will come. We will break out in a big way soon, we will tour A markets all over the world with huge headlining acts, we will put out an album that challenges the perceived notions of popular songwriting, we will see the world through our music and we are all working long hard hours to make it happen. In your own life may you find reasons to be gentle with yourself and appreciate your own daily hustle. May you find a life work that challenges you in an enjoyable way, may you take steps towards your dreams and goals and celebrate each and every victory with an openness that allows more success to flow into your life, may you take time to thank the people that make it all possible and last but certainly not least, may you pat yourself on the back for taking steps towards what you want in life, even if it’s just one…often times the first step is the hardest. Thank you to each and everyone of you guys for sticking this one out with us, we love and appreciate you guys so very much and are hustling 19 hour days to bring you a musical experience that hightenes your everyday existence. Now go on, go get’cho hustle on and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for the sweat you break, Love, Love, Love, Jasmine youtube/watch?v=AFW_ZjT3xkA&
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 20:24:17 +0000

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