The Natural realm is what you operate in most of the time. At - TopicsExpress


The Natural realm is what you operate in most of the time. At least the majority, It is the dimension that is subject to the laws of time, space, and matter, a dimension that can be accessed only through your physical senses. Your conscious mind is all that is necessary to gain access this realm. The supernatural realm is the dimension that operates above natural laws. It is the Spiritual realm—permanent, invisible, and eternal—located outside of time. It exercises dominion over the natural realm. The spiritual realm can be accessed ONLY by FAITH. Scripture says...We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.2 Corinthians 4:18 It is my belief that the natural realm is way behind the supernatural realm. When the natural realm fails to function properly, it is time to activate God’s supernatural power. In order to receive revelation from God, you MUST for things to increase in speed, to accelerate. What does God have to do to accelerate things in your life? If the supernatural realm is idle in your life, God remains silent.When God stops the clock of time and puts His finger on a situation, a Miracle takes place. When He removes His finger, natural time resumes once again. Our God is a God of miracles. Okay, than why is it NOT working for me you say? Most people are seeking a Miracle in their life and living in the Natural! You have been conditioned to live by what you see in the natural, so when things do NOT go as you had wanted you say That figures, that is my LUCK Now I am not saying this applies to everyone who will read this, however based on what I have seen in the last 14 years of coaching I can confidently say 97-98% do in fact live this way. Now you may say, I have FAITH, however if you are living in the natural there is NO Faith needed. Keep in mind scripture says it is IMPOSSIBLE to Please God without FAITH. To RECEIVE your Miracle You MUST Operate in the SUPERNATURAL.
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 14:02:10 +0000

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