~The Net Addict ~ The first thing he does, before leaving his - TopicsExpress


~The Net Addict ~ The first thing he does, before leaving his morning bed, is switching on the mini laptop he keeps by his bedside pillow. By the time the welcome screen is displayed in the mini-lappy he would be well on his way to the wash basin to quickly brush his teeth and then to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea. Holding the cup in hand he hurries along the corridor to his bedroom, taking sips of the hot, richly flavoured tea in-between. He wastes no time in clicking on the net icon on his monitor screen. And then he watches with satisfaction the entire process from ‘initialising wireless device’ (modem) to ‘verifying user name-password’ to ‘net connected’. And then the door to paradise opens for him, where he roams around in lithe steps, browsing sites after sites. Time ceases, space dissolves. He gets the taste of eternity, wandering about in infinity. But that day, it was different. He clicked on the net icon as usual and waited with bated breath for the net connection process to begin. All went well until the initialisation of the modem. But what was this! ‘No network’ message on the screen! His heart missed a beat. He waited and waited. Still the same message! He thought, there must be something wrong; let me try once more. He shut down the window and clicked on the icon again. The same initialisation; the same ‘No network’ message. His spirit dampened. He thought of beginning afresh from the very beginning and shut down the mini lappy itself and repeated the whole process, ending up finally with the same accursed ‘No network’ message. What is the use of a computer without net! Utterly frustrated, he shut down the lappy and rolled on his bed. He was in the grip of a horrifying state of withdrawal and experienced nervous anxiety, depression, drowsiness, de-spiritedness, confused thinking. After an hour or so of hell habitation he decided to give his luck another try. With trepidation, he waited for the display of the dreaded message. But, what’s this! No ‘No network’ this time; rather an invitation to connect. Destiny had become kind to him. His prayers had been answered. His spirit soared again. He had got a fresh lease of life. He quickly clicked on the ‘Connect’ icon lest the long-awaited ‘grace’ be withdrawn. But, Ms. Misfortune comes along in the company of all her allies. This time the villain of the piece was the remote computer, the server that refused to transmit data. After repeated attempts and failures he lapsed into another fit of deep depression. Morning shows the day. His dark morning mood prevailed over him the entire day everywhere-at home, in office, on the streets, in company, in solitude. In the evening, hoping against hope, he logged on to his lappy again in a state of helpless and hopeless self-abandon. And lo! The net connected. The gateway was wide open now and it was time to enter into Paradise for an entire night of unalloyed bliss !!!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 03:04:55 +0000

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