The New Rules for Raising Capital from Accredited Investors For - TopicsExpress


The New Rules for Raising Capital from Accredited Investors For those attempting to raise capital ... did you know what you are doing? Really? The rules in the space are constantly changing, always moving like time and tide. I would like to propose to you the concept of capital raising follows in line with the concept of big game fishing. The point is simple: what fish are you fishing for? This is your first customer in a manner of speaking. If dont care what you catch, than any fish will do, and you may as well use a net and quit wasting your time with one line/lure at a time ... who cares if you destroy dolphins, turtles and other sea life in your narcissistic pursuit. On the other hand, if you have a specific fish in mind, you will typically need to know what their feeding habits are (know your customer) such that you can present the right bait, at the right time, in just the right way ... and pray. However, if your like most fishermen, its typically a casual affair where if you actually catch something you really dont care as much as just being thankful that you did (like a golfer making a hole in one). The wise on the other hand will recognize the value in a local guide that knows the lay of the land (jurisdiction/regulatory environment). If you want a spectacular fishing experience, we recommend investing in a well established and well equipped guide/crew (very expensive by yourself, but not so much as a group) and stop wasting your time fiddling around with the boat (your business plan) and related equipment (collateral material). Having all that does not mean you have the knowledge to use it, or the fuel (capital) to head offshore where the big fish are, not to mention the skills to navigate the elements that will come against you, and get back home alive. Back to the point of raising capital ... if you believe that all money (fish) are the same and that all lures/baits will work equally on every fish, that the big trophy fish will leave the deep to head into shallow water where you are, you must be disillusioned with fish tales (not real tails). As fishers of men, raising capital, or simply just catching a real fish, we must come to grasp a few simple realities if we are to have a testament to such a will. Like it or not, the following apply: 1. The big fish/men/capital are often far away from where we are. 2. Where they are is a different reality from where we are (i.e. fish live in water; mankind on land). 3. No fish/men/capital ask/want to be caught/leave/risk the dark depths of murky water where they have camouflaged cover (i.e. no fish wants to die in order to be reconstituted in the body of man in another realm they do not know). 4. We cannot therefore expect any thing or them to come to us. We must go to them if we are to have an impact. 5. We therefore have a choice to make: to leave the safety of where we are in order to go where they are, or not, letting our dreams become a nightmare and letting it die of starvation. 6. We also know that we cannot make/force a fish/customer bite ... they must willingly do so, else we scare them off (see the 2nd part of the Great Commission). 7. And lastly, we should all know one of the key morals of Ernest Hemingways tale of the Old Man and the Sea ... to be successful, one should not attempt to do this alone. As fishing, is not the same as catching, is not the same of landing, etc. etc. One skill set is complimented by another and so on. Hence it takes a crew to perform well and divine guidance to know when and where to fish (Jesus, cast your nets on the other side ... only to nearly sink the boat with so many large fish). It takes a team to make the dream come true. Its all a part of what we do to help you navigate the depths and land the trophy of your dreams safely. Inquire within if you happen to be a fisher of men, or related thereto, and you;re up for the worlds most dangerous catch.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 19:26:57 +0000

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