The Obama Death List: A Staggering Account of Suspicious Deaths - TopicsExpress


The Obama Death List: A Staggering Account of Suspicious Deaths and ‘Working Theories’ ~ Nachumlist The number of deaths connected to the Obama White House is nothing short of mind-boggling. Mama Lois” Anderson: 79, and her 52 year old daughter Zelda White: Two US women aid workers were shot dead in Nairobi in Kenya (2008) were the retired Presbyterian Church missionaries of Pennsylvania (USA), known to thousands of Africans. The suspected killers of the US women, who were travelling in a car with diplomatic license plates, allegedly shot dead by police later. They were well known for their work. There is speculation that they possibly had knowledge of the birth and care for Barack Obama in Kenya and were later murdered to cover the trail. When murdered, the Husband had his full wallet which the thieves/car jacker didn’t take, and there was never a connection made to the said attackers the police later shot dead, but blamed for the double homicide/car jacking. Their church was burned in 2008, possibly to destroy any possible birth records there. Then police chief Mohammed Hussein Ali was later removed from office by Obama supported Kenyan strongman Odinga. All possible witnesses ended up dead, all possible records of the care of infant Obama burned in the church fire, and the public official responsible out of office. Lt. Col. Christopher Raible and Sgt. Bradley Atwell: Died in the Camp Bastion attack 3 days after the Benghazi attack Mohammed Bakhti : A prominent figure in Tunisia’s Salafist movement has died nearly two months after launching a hunger strike following his arrest for an attack on the US embassy, his lawyer and the justice ministry have said. Jeff Joe Black: Found dead on a hiking trail from “blunt force trauma to the head“: Chicago activist who claimed that Emmanuel was put into place in Chicago to oversee a coming false flag event. Larry Bland and Nate Spencer: Two other black members of Trinity Church Murdered at the same time - Report: Mother Of Obama’s Murdered Gay Lover Speaks Up — With Video Andrew Breitbart - Died of a massive heart attack, walking outside late at night, alone, in the dark approximately one week before he was to produce tapes of Obama’s extremist activities in college. More speculation: Breitbart: “Wait ‘Til They See What Happens March 1st”, Breitbart’s Footage Shows Obama ‘Palling Around’ With Terrorists….. Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I Spoke with Andrew Breitbart Shortly Before he Died ……An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart’s Death Scene… Breitbart’s skin color described as bright red. … Was Andrew Breitbart assassinated?…More murder speculation: Was Andrew Breitbart Murdered?……….Coroner: Breitbart Died of Heart Failure…* Christopher Lasseter, Dissapears…..witness to Breitbart’s death vanishes -Follows suspicious demise of member of coroner’s team (possibly in hiding to avoid reporters), …. Breitbart witness: He dropped like sack of bricks Describes ‘thick white band’ around forehead at death ; Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Killed Breitbart and Clancy (story also linked here ) ; Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Had Breitbart and Clancy Killed ; Brandon Walker interviews Doctor Jim Garrow, philanthropist and worker for one of the largest non-profit organizations on the planet to save female children from slaughter in China.. states he knows that President Obama ordered the murders of Tom Clancy and Andrew Breitbart (Audio) Steve Bridges Dies At 48 - Impersonator Who Offended 0bama …Steve Bridges as President Obama – August 2011 ….It appeared that he died of natural causes...: On the Steve Bridges website, they are now calling his death ‘an accident”...that the probable cause of death was due to “upper airway anaphylaxis”, caused by a severe allergic reaction.. — CSI Show: Murder by anaphalaxis?… A real life example of possible murder by anaphalaxis Tom Clancy Dies at 66; actual list of cause of death on his autopsy, cause of death unknown.; Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Killed Breitbart and Clancy- Dr. Garrow states President Obama had Tom Clancy killed as well and noted that it takes 5 days for plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. Amazingly enough, or coincidentally, the doctors did not perform an autopsy on Tom Clancy’s body for 5 days. (story also linked here ) Robin Copeland, 46, 11/4/2011: former Energy Department official who took part in several significant disarmament programs, died suddenly Michael Cormier - respected forensic technician for the Los Angeles County Coroner died under suspicious circumstances at his North Hollywood home April 20, the same day Andrew Breitbart’s cause of death was finally made public. Medical examiners in Los Angeles are investigating the possible poisoning death……Conspiracy theorists cry foul after Andrew Breitbart’s ‘coroner’ dies of arsenic poisoning- ….Police Debunk Theories Linking Breitbart, L.A. Coroner Tech Deaths ; No Answers in Death of Technician Linked to Andrew Breitbart: Killed by high amounts of arsinic in his system ; Breitbart’s Coroner Murdered. News From LA Madelyn Payne Dunham: Obama’s grandmother, died 2 days before the general election. Flew up to see her for one hour – alone. No records. Cremated immediately, ashes dispersed. BEVERLY ECKERT, Continental Flight Victim, Was 9/11 Widow (VIDEO, SLIDESHOW), was at the White House with Barack Obama, part of a meeting the president had with relatives of those killed in the 2001 attacks Extortion 17: On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American special operations personnel, five United States Army National Guard and Army Reserve crewmen, seven Afghan commandos, and one Afghan interpreter—as well as a U.S. military working dog. It is considered the worst loss of U.S Military life in the Afghanistan campaign, surpassing Operation Red Wings in 2005. There were 15 Navy SEAL’s killed. ; Afghanistan’s Benghazi: The Shoot-Down of Extortion 17 ; TrentoVision 5.9.13 – Navy SEAL Extortion 17 EXPOSED – Obama Failures ; Obama increased special op’s missions from an average of 56 a month to 334 per month (statement begins at 26 minute mark of video) ; Afghan Benghazi: Extortion 17, Betraying Seal Team 6 ; ; Navy SEAL’s father: Obama sent my son to his death Tells Michael Savage ‘they knew something was up’ ; Extortion 17! Mother of slain SEAL on Biden: “He should be in prison for high crimes and treason.” ; Families suspect SEAL Team 6 crash was inside job on worst day in Afghanistan ; Navy warrior’s quick cremation deepens mystery of Chinook disaster in Afghanistan ; The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as Told by a Navy SEAL’s Father ; Extortion 17, The Deadliest Day in the War on Terror ; SEAL’s Parents: Obama’s Rules Of Engagement Killing Our Troops. And STILL there will be the doubters? this terrorist is a real threat to the world! and we just sit on our hands here in Australia, not even a question, no censorship no nothing! and this OH BUMMA has INSTRUCTED Abbotts Rabbits to tell us nothing about this TPP MEETING WHICH IS GOING TO EFFECT ALL OF OUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS! OH BUMMA is a worse threat to our freedoms than HITLER ever was! but HITLER was smarter, he snuck his changes in initially, this Kenyan refugee is almost bragging about it! AND WE DO NOTHING, WE GO TO WORK,WE SHOP, WE SLEEP , push our faces further into the sand and pretend its all propaganda! David Randall Francis · Top Commenter · Mechanic at FMS-15 (Field Maintenace Shop) Iowa National Guard. Somehow none of this surprises me. I thought Barack was a fraud when he was a senator. Just after the Boston Marathon bombing I strongly suspected things like this were going on. Barack Obama took quite a personal interest in making sure the Saudi suspect, oops, I mean witness made it out of the country without investigation. Reporting this certainly makes you a target too. But I have always believed that these people were being knocked off by Buckwheat. Especially Breitbart. This most recent incident with the woman who was the only death in the plane crash in Hawaii made me conclude this. He is also behind the knock out games of white people by Negroes and I believe he is entirely responsible for the deaths in Benghazi, meaning the he initialed the attacks and things (like always) got fouled up. Re: “Madelyn Payne Dunham: Obama’s grandmother, died 2 days before the general election. Flew up to see her for one hour – alone. No records. Cremated immediately, ashes dispersed.” She was 86 years old and died of cancer after fighting cancer for a long time. (Suspicious?) Re: “Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr.” barackryphal.blogspot/2010/09/birther-mythbusting-leiutenant-quarles.html
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 08:16:25 +0000

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