The Obamas taking extravagant vacations when America’s economy - TopicsExpress


The Obamas taking extravagant vacations when America’s economy is in terrible condition and Americans are suffering is an insult to every American taxpayer. Apparently sequester is meant to effect everyone but the Obamas. Americans can’t tour the White House, the military in Afghanistan can’t have 3 hot meals a day. Those who get off duty at night have cold food or MREs. They have only cold food for breakfast. More people have died there since BHO took office than when Bush was president. BTW: After 9/11/01 Democrats agreed to invade Iraq. Quit blaming Bush. HE didn’t issue executive orders to do it. BHO said he was going to bring home the troops in Afghanistan and 4 1/2 years later they’re still there. Of course the military personnel who have come home have trouble finding jobs, don’t get the physical or mental health care they need and sequester eliminated the college education assistance they were promised. Disability claims have extremely long delays. Illegal aliens still get college assistance though. Dislike of the Obamas has nothing to do with race or political party and everything to do with BHO’s and Michelle’s arrogant attitudes and disdain for America and Americans and our nation’s flag. He is working hard to destroy everything that has made our country great. More people than ever are on food stamps and welfare. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. The Obama’s throw private concerts, lavish parties and take ultra extravagant vacations. Do the daughters really need to have their own suite? Yes, other presidents took vacations – often at Camp David or their own homes. If the Obamas have ever gone to their Chicago home the news hasn’t reported it.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 00:35:59 +0000

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