The Origins of Medical Industry Corruption... circa 1913 to - TopicsExpress


The Origins of Medical Industry Corruption... circa 1913 to present. * How Allopathic medicine was made legal, and Empirical medicine was outlawed, * ----------------------------------- How freedom of choice in medical treatment was destroyed at the turn of the century and has become what we see today..... There was an equilibrium between Empirical medicine and Allopathic medicine We had a choice, but then ..... The small AMA (american medical association) was formed and then with massive direct funding from Rockefella Foundation, the Carnegies, and Morgans circa 1913 ....... they transformed medicine into an industry founded on Allopathic only drug treatment based medicine. To ensure absolute control, they moved swiftly to fund and influence allopathic practice, outlaw all competition by slander and disinformation, and labeled any and all competition as quackery. The Beureau of Chemistrys name was changed to hide the drug reference, and became the modern F.D.A. ******* The irony is that while this financially motivated Allopathic philanthropy of efficiency was being enacted, Rockefella himself was seeking treatment by his own personal Empirically based Homoeopathic physician. Says it all really :-) ******** The three rich and powerful families invested in surgery, radiation and synthetic dugs (companies). By putting men on these public health boards and teaching universities etc, they ensure the direction of medical practice towards the drug based, allopathic focus on symptomatic treatment we see today, and the eradication of all forms of competition. Remember ..... competition = quacks = competition = quacks ..... ====== For me personally, true scientific and effective healthcare would be a combination of both approaches ... where in essence allopathic medicine as it is today would continue in the excellence of trauma care and surgery and a few other areas, while empirical forms of healthcare would likely result in far better treatments and understanding of holistic care of chronic or disease based medicine overall, with occasional cross over and merging understandings between the two approaches. But Im not holding my breath as this history proves its unlikely to happen any time soon. ======= https://youtube/watch?v=NheKUW6kGuY&feature=youtube_gdata_player Another informative video about the Rockefellers, The FDA & The Cancer Industry https://youtube/watch?v=sDjcVrZnemM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 11:44:02 +0000

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