The President initiallly ran on, and was re-elected on the promise - TopicsExpress


The President initiallly ran on, and was re-elected on the promise that he made to provide affordable healthcare to ALL Americans. The ACA was passed lawfully. Then why oh why are so many Republicans STILL not accepting that fact!! To shut down the government in a temper tantrum is absurd, and I applaud the President for NOT giving in to these domestic terrorists. Fact AND history buffs may want to read about the inception of Medicare and Social Security, the problems BOTH those programs faced to be passed, the tweaking that had to be done to make both work efficiently-and the same rich people resentment against them. BTW, Congress is exempt on having their wages frozen during this fiasco, nor are their benefits affected. We should all be upset by a Congress that does NOT represent the majority of Americans!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 17:33:33 +0000

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