The President is now blaming the insurance companies for not - TopicsExpress


The President is now blaming the insurance companies for not working to bail him out of the mess he and his Democrat cohorts created. Of course the insurance companies cant magically undo what took three years of planning to prepare for the calamity known as Obamacare. No business can halt what is in progress because of mandates inacted by law. For three years this President refused to listen to the warnings being shouted by conservatives, by businesses, and by individuals. He refused to listen until last week. Why is he listening now? Poll numbers have dropped dramatically for him and he, being a narcissist and ideologue has awakened his self-preserve instincts. But the one thing he cant get away from is blaming others. Whether it was Bush, the Republicans, the stupid voters who were to dumb to understand his genius (I choke with vomit on that idea.), or the guy cleaning his golf clubs, the President never seems to be close to, or know about the failings or scandals surrounding his administration. To those who still think its the rich insurance companys fault, lets make a comparison to the automobile industry. Lets say an auto company is making a nice mid sized vehicle that is very popular and has been for several years. But over the years the government wizards of genius, keep demanding changes in design, in CARB standards, and in safety concerns. Each change causes the price of the beloved model to go up in price. Is the auto company profitting from such changes or are they covering the added costs of design, and supplies? Think about the idea that a business wants to sell you and the public as many cars as they can. Their profit is in volume of sales and higher prices does not encourage sales. Yes we all are concerned about safety and fuel prices, but the tinkerers in government are more concerned about controls and whom they can control. Every change in business, especially that caused by mandates, costs the consumer something. Whether it is comfort, safety (Oh please tell me that a midget car made out of plastic is so much safer than a 3000 pound SUV.) But along comes the government cubicle sitters saying that the car that everyone loves is now substandard because they have a product in mind that is more expensive, will be limited in size (Maybe thats why they are highlighting birth control. They cant fit more than 4.5 people in the newly designed clown car.), and that nobody trusts or likes. The auto company must stop making the car everyone loves in three years and be ready to gear up production on the new and improved government demanded vehicle. For three the executives, engineers, planners, and dealerships have been gearing up for the roll out. Some of the folks agreed to the change simply because they feared the governments clout and hoped to try to make a profit at best. Then two months before everything is suppose to be set in stone, someone notices that the prototype is not working properly. The public once sold on the new idea are realizing the car is too small to fit their needs. That it is much more expensive because the vehicle will be given to those who cant afford it and those who supposedly have the cash must pay for those who dont. And that it has a lot of so called safety features that are designed for everyone but the average driver. Then the guy at the top says Mr. Auto Executive, you can still make that old car for one more year. I demand you do to protect the public from what we all know is better for them! Its your fault Mr. Executive for doing this to these people! Now after cancelling a year of sales orders, reworking the factories, and ordering the new parts from vendors and suppliers, and promoting the new Obamacar, the blame is on them? The blame needs to be laid at the feet of those who dreamed up the nightmare. The President stated that for 100 years this socialized medical program has been planned for. Who planned it? Woodrow Wilson and the Fabian Progressives. The early American communists who worship centralized government. The group who has planned and implemented the destruction of the Constitutional principles that has kept us safe from government tyranny. Folks, this Affordable Care Act is not affordable, does not care, and when you are old or very young, will not act. It must be repealed or what will transpire will leave you scratching your head and worried sick about how you will house your family, feed them, and cloth them. This whole thing is designed so that they can control your needs and destroy your freedoms. You must fight it or in the end you will have to explain to your children and grandchildren why you did nothing.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 03:51:43 +0000

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