The Principle of Sharing A Good Read. Why Sharing Is - TopicsExpress


The Principle of Sharing A Good Read. Why Sharing Is Important. One of our earliest life lessons is the principle of sharing. For who among us can fail to recall the repeated urgings of our parents and teachers from kindergarten (or earlier) on, "Be nice and share your toys with the other children" or similar prompting. There is a most interesting symbol of sharing among the various symbols of the zodiac. The symbol of Aquarius is a man holding a waterpot high on his shoulder, pouring water freely, in an act of sharing. We are at a point in time, both in terms of astronomy and astrology, when our earth is entering the zodiacal sign of Aquarius after having spent approximately 2,000 years in the sign of Pisces. It is said that during the coming new age humanity will learn to manifest, in practical ways, the high ideals formulated during the previous age of Pisces. Foremost among the ideals to be manifested is the principle of sharing. All humanity is entitled to share the entire span of human wealth from the riches of ideas to the products of the marketplace. The challenge itself is a shared one, for we all have something to give even as we all have things we need to receive. To share is to experience the joy of relating to others in a spirit of goodwill and cooperation. It is the applied energy of goodwill that can release In humanity the urge to share, producing a ground swell of public opinion that will create its own tide, sweeping away old notions of possessiveness while bringing forth new attitudes that support all life on earth. When you think of it, the principle of sharing concerns more than money and material resources . It includes goals, visions, plans, laws, ethics, values, ideas and ideals, work, time, skills, thoughts books and knowledge to name a few of the things we share. Indeed, life itself represents a shared energy poured forth freely by the divine Creator - "the One in Whom we live and move and have our being". As humanity awakens to its interconnectedness, it is recognizing that just as the ills of the physical body can be traced to an energy blockage of one sort or another so, too, can the ills of the human race as a whole be traced to a blockage in the distribution of the resources of the planet. This recognition is manifesting in a changed attitude; a "new materialism" whereby one values money and the goods and services it buys as a means of ensuring the good of the whole. Thus, we see various sharing schemes appearing: car and bike sharing; even house sharing via "co-housing" communities in Europe and North America. Telecentres are another example. They are places where members of small towns and villages can share access to computer, telephone, and internet services. They began in rural Sweden and have since spread to other rural areas in Europe and especially to the developing world. The virtue of selfless sharing has long been taught by the religions of the world. In the new age the principle of sharing will be embraced by the masses and by leading institutions in all avenues of life. This will be a distinguishing characteristic of the new age. The book, "Global Public Goods", (published in 1999 by the United Nations Development Program) launched an international discussion about how best to provide the goods and services that the whole of society will need in the 21st century. It also addresses the fact that as yet there is no consensus as to what constitutes a "global public good". For example, while environmental issues are often addressed in a public good framework, other issues such as financial stability, culture, equity and justice have rarely been treated from this viewpoint and are, therefore, more difficult to grasp as being global public goods. But the fact that criteria for determining what constitutes a global public good are being examined so thoroughly bodes well for the coming into manifestation of the principle of sharing for it is said that "energy follows thought". Solutions can emerge when controversial issues, such as the concept of global public goods, are publicized for all to reflect upon. It is in the ferment of thought poured forth through such discussions that humanity takes it first step on the road to selfless sharing between all people of goodwill everywhere. "Selfless sharing and cooperative understanding between all men [and women] of goodwill everywhere can rebuild a new world, bring into being a more beautiful life, and restore that which humanity itself has destroyed. The best is yet to be. We can rest back upon the realization that the history of the human race has been one of a steady moving forward down the ages and towards the light." Alice Bailey
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 13:02:51 +0000

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