The Ralph Diaries~ JUNE 23 1967- San Antonio- Friday- - TopicsExpress


The Ralph Diaries~ JUNE 23 1967- San Antonio- Friday- Mom and Dad came back from vacation. We went to Jimmys last baseball game. They (Jaguars) won, 19-2. I bought a new wallet today. 1969- Chicago- Monday- Got letters from Mike and Martin. I will probably go visit Joe Bernosky in Belleville next Monday. Worked at KMart Foods, 5-10PM. 1973- Lubbock- Saturday- Coaches All-America football game at 7:35 PM at Jones Stadium tonight, live on ABC. Lots of people in town. Mike and I went out to boogie tonight. 1979- Lubbock- Saturday- Delivered papers. Went to garage sales with Mom. Budgie playing at The Rox tonight. 1983- Lubbock- Thursday- Worked at Univ. store. Talked to Kathy. Carl Perkins playing at Nicks Uptown in Dallas tonight. 1986- Dallas- Monday- Hung out with Gregg all day. He took me sight-seeing in Dallas. 1989- Slaton- Friday- Polly and I are spending the weekend at an Engagement Encounter in Slaton. Its a Catholic thing, required to get married in the church. Lots of prayer and reflection and walking in gardens. Its kinda weird, but all I know is, I was the only guy who got his own room. Everyone else had to room with strangers. In fact, I was the only person on the second floor. Wonder if theyre trying to tell me something. This is in a 100-year old converted hospital, so its a little spooky. 1991- Lubbock- Sunday- Mike and I went back over to the Willow Hill party house to clean up after Mels wedding reception last night. We took down the stereo system. We decided to have extra keys made to the party house, so we could use it whenever we want. 1997- Ransom Canyon- Monday- Worked at 82nd St. store. Went to Dr. Billings office at 1:30, told him I did not want to wear contact lenses. Worked late at store tonight. (note: 2009, Im thinking about trying contact lenses again. Anything to look younger...) (note: 2010, been wearing contacts for a year now, no problem! And its working. Ive been told I look 55!) (I was 57...) 1998- Ransom Canyon- Tuesday- Took Joey to school. Worked all day with Garrett. Got a haircut from Duane, at Hide-Away. Good day on the stock market. Called my broker, put in some Buy orders. Got off work early, played with the kids, mowed front yard. Met June Ashley, our new neighbor, across the street. 1999- Lubbock- Thursday- Went to the Auditorium to see Sammy Hagar live in concert. Tickets were $27. Great show! My pal, Chad Gammage, and his girlfriend, Sabrina, were on stage with him all evening, as props. 2001- Las Vegas- Saturday- Worked most of the day at 82nd St. store. Left this evening for Las Vegas, with Larry Thompson. Were staying at The Excalibur. Its Larrys first time in Vegas. We went across the street to the MGM Grand to catch the DeLaHoya/Castillejo boxing match, but it had already started and tickets were expensive, so we didnt go. Ate dinner, played blackjack, stayed up late, drank heavily. 2002- Lubbock- Sunday- Polly is sick, so we didnt go to church today. I made her lunch, out by the pool. Cleaned the garage, exercised, went swimming. Alison had her friend, Emily, over all day. We had pork chops for dinner. Lost $50 betting on baseball games, must stop that. Lane promoting Sevendust and P.O.D. tonight. 2007- Lubbock- Saturday- ZZ Top ticket morning. It was a disaster. We were breaking in our new ticket program software. When the tickets came up at 10:00, all the outlets systems froze. We had a line of angry people who had been in line for hours, watching us panic. We finally got it going at 10:30. Tickets sold well. Bought the guys lunch at Dairy Queen. Worked all day at 82nd St. store. Nick Schoppa came by, he starts his new job Monday. I thought he was going to stay with me Saturdays only, but looks like he is quitting for good. Bill Kerns came by, he is going on vacation next week. Donna Palmer called, invited us to an impromptu party. I went by at 10:15, but it was already over. My nephew, Sam, is spending the night with us. 2009- Lubbock- Tuesday- Got an email from Jerry Schantz, telling me that Emily Foor, 55, died. She was one of the old T-Bird gang, 2nd girl I ever kissed. Also, saw in the paper that Jasper Caviel, 44, my UPS driver, died, and also, Ed McMahon, 86. There will never be another Johnny and Ed. Worked at store, with Doug and Aaron. Yellow Book sales reps came by, sold me a new ad I swore I wouldnt buy. Had my first Facebook chat with Cheryl Pate, we talked about Emily. Shes proud that I learned how to chat. So, later I chatted with Sonya. Alison and her friends went to the drive-in tonight, to see Transformers, which started at midnight. They werent home till after 3 AM. Polly and I didnt sleep at all, this wont happen again. Curfews will be back. 2010- Lubbock- Wednesday-Alison was hired for her first job, at T.J. Maxx (clothing store). Were very proud of her. She starts tomorrow. Rodney came by the house this morning, painted our eave and new back gate. We had lunch at Furrs. Had dinner with Mike V., at Thai Thai. Took him by the townhouse. Beach Boys reunion was called off the day after it was announced. Wah... Waited up for Joey to get off at Tinseltown, at 1:30 AM. 2011- Lubbock- Thursday- Met Mike V. at Maharaja for lunch. Mel called while we were eating, we both talked to him. Saw Rita Jo and Mary Elizabeth there. Rodney came by the store, installed my TV in the office, pretty cool (bought it from Fischer). Alison and Amy had Jessica and Dylan and a few others over to swim. Polly cleaned the pool, looks great. Joey starts back to Tinseltown Saturday. 2012- Ruidoso, N.M.- Saturday- Bill made us get up at 6:30, to eat the best breakfast in the world, at Log Cabin. It was mediocre, not worth the loss of sleep. We didnt sleep too well last night, anyway, with a loud AC and a TV that glowed the word Vizio all night. Afterwards, we had three hours of shopping, looking at wooden bears and jewelry, till I finally talked Bill into driving to the outskirts of town to look at the fire damage. Wildfires out there have burned thousands of acres of trees and destroyed homes. It was pretty devastating. Around noon, we made it to Ruidoso Downs, the horse race track. We had box seats and it was a beautiful day. Drank bloody marys and beer, ate hot dogs and bet on horses all day. It was lots of fun. Bill won $1000 on the last race, then griped when Susan made him buy us dinner. I won $20 on horse races. Bill is more experienced, but wouldnt share his secrets...Drove home, got to Lubbock about 11:00 PM. 2013- Ransom Canyon- Sunday- Windy all day. Finally cleaned our hot tub at the new house. Turns out the drain has been plugged, so I had to siphon out the water. Cleaned house, finally got all my clothes hung in the closet. Gave Max a bath. He then rolled in the dirt and looks worse than before. Talked to Mom, she sounded good. Polly and I hung out on the back porch all day and drank bloody marys. The kids came out this evening and we had a nice dinner and talk. Watched the Mad Men season finale, pretty exciting. 2014- Ransom Canyon- Monday- Met Mike V. at Cancun for lunch, where I spilled my iced tea all over him. Pretty embarrassing. To the bank, then work. Worked with Ian, Tyler and Dylan. Only one person called for a refund on the disastrous Tejano show Saturday night. My employee, Ricky, got married today. Texted Alison to see how she liked her new car. Tim, Lisa, Ryan and Megan left for Port Aransas today.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 16:51:08 +0000

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