The Real Truth About Violence; It Exists, In Your - TopicsExpress


The Real Truth About Violence; It Exists, In Your Backyard Tonight I was waiting for the metro, and I saw a girl with a group stumble down the stairs drunk. I thought about making some comment, socially, like good night eh? :) but I didnt. I was tired and my French wasnt the best. We all got on the train and there were some drunk guys in the back, singing loudly, obnoxiously. The girls made some comment, telling them to be quiet, the guys made some comment back. I assumed yelling was normal French behavior for drunken youths on the metro. the next thing you know, a fight is arising. The girls boyfriend went back to the obnoxious group and pushed one of them. And the rest follows. The fight broke outside, spewing onto the platform while everyone poked their heads out to watch. I tried to get between them at the start. They were extremely drunk, and I, just tipsy. I was plenty strong enough at first. Then I froze. I saw the girls boyfriend hit her- his own girlfriend, smack across the face. I look down, and her face is bleeding. She is looking up at her friend, crying, with blood dripping down her hands. I have so many regrets. Why couldnt I have spoken French better, so that I could have comforted her, or asked exactly what she needed, or told her it was a bad idea to come between the fighting guys? Or why didnt I have the courage enough to completely kick the guys ass, push him onto the metro tracks where he belonged? I was frozen. More by rage than fear. I couldnt do anything. I felt as of I had to stay still, or else- if I took any action- I would end up getting in a serious fight in which I or the opponent would have ended up hospitalized. You will never, EVER feel as much rage as I did tonight unless you first experience with your own eyes the power of violence, the way that a girls innocent, bloody, helpless face stares up at you and forevermore resides in your mind. So here is what I beg of everyone- teach every person you know to NEVER resort to physical violence. Teach boys and girls this, but especially emphasize this point to boys. The fact is they are physiologically more powerful than girls, most of the time. No matter how strong we may be in character, that cant always stop a stronger male from abusing a woman. So how do we stop this? With education- from an infants first words and actions. The first time you see a child push another- be it for a toy, a snack, ANYTHING- make it very clear that physical action is punished severely; STRICTLY prohibited and looked down upon. Nothing is going to change unless we start from the bottom- educating upwards. Tonight, I couldnt do anything. But Im trying to make up for it by spreading the word. This shit HAPPENS. Even if developed, fashionable cities such as Paris. Abuse is everywhere. PLEASE, help stop it by curbing it early on and spreading the word.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 23:39:13 +0000

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