The Santa Sprit of Christmas and How The Christ Con(sciousness!) - TopicsExpress


The Santa Sprit of Christmas and How The Christ Con(sciousness!) Got Attached to These HOLYdays by +K I LOVE THE YULETIDE (Yuletide/time, aka Christmastide/time, aka The Holiday Season..defined as 1.the festival season from Christmas to after New Years Day. 2.the period from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. Christmastide entered English in the1620s. Tide comes from the Old English tid meaning point or portion of time.) because its the only period of 3D time throughout the year, til the present time arrival of the future NOW, that is, when the collective consciousness evolution is more shifted into right mindedness!, is an everyday reality. Its the only consistent & significant stretch of time that The World at Large gets on the same wavelength and intention and actively Celebrates a stream of consciousness that should be at all times. Its the replacement of chaos & separation with Love, Hope, Cheerful Spirit, Charity/Giving and UNITY. People and places light up, both literally and energetically, in that mass coherence and global harmony that ensues from this idea that fellowship, kindness and goodness are legitimate ways of Being and Doing; at least for a stint! For the super sensitive and empathic people of the world, it FEELS amazing because the collective resistance to this natural stream of wellbeing that our extrasensory capabilities are constantly tapping into (or actively requiring us to pivot around most of the time depending on how its managed!) releases in a tremendous way for this time BEING and it not only becomes the vision we hold for more normalcy as a healthy, whole global society, but its also so much easier for miracles to manifest and goodwill to become more the rule than the exception. Endless potentials are not only believable, but actually created & aligned with under those planetary conditions. Miracles REALLY DO happen every day, but when we notice one we start to notice them ALL. This inevitably creates a collective upshift in conscious N-LIGHT-MENT (the seeds are planted and watered and the potential for a fruitful harvest is made manifest, naturally) since they are more readily occurring AND people are also more open to REAL-EYESing they TRULY are happening in small and large ways around the planet. Christmas represents a time where the opportunity for people to temporarily, and eventually, permanently, shift up in frequency/vibration IS TANGIBLE and Real because of their higher vibrational day to day experiences; walking in this new personal energetic while encountering (also known as Quantum Entanglement in the Scientifically worshipping world!) others who are magically feeling the same. ONE LOVE! The open hearted atmosphere and belief systems, which lead to real observations, people are engaging in these greater fields of endless possibility for human kind, throughout this window of time, literally effects our conscious evolution as it causes (its an actual law of physics/The Universe!) people to experience the world more positively for a stretch. The sick get happier and can heal because the higher vibrating emotions change biology/EVERYTHING!, the angry can/will/do smile and try harder to play nice, the lonely get/feel more love, the taken for granted feel more appreciated, etc. We witness people receiving blessings and the potential that someone could give YOU your own truest hearts desire or, at the very least, a great surprise becomes the new normal and because of all these higher energetic stirrings and expanded perspectives/expectations, miracles can and do happen in this collective field of merriment, wonderment and limitless potentials more readily. There is an extremely interesting soft disclosure show called The Librarians with an episode that aired on the Solstice called And Santas Midnight Run. It was the coolest tap of the Santa spirit & the most meta magical explanation of all the cumulative Santa stories worldwide, as his different incarnations into different time and space/global cultures. The following is partly inspired by those writers insights and partly sparked by my own gnoses from an intellectual study of this spirit and historical phenomena, as well as, my own tap into the omnimind (the best intuition comes from having point of left brained relative knowledge to bounce the right brain multidimensional access of data off of in order to eventually reach the zero point awareness on any particular subject your contemplation and abilities will take you. This compilation is not yet at its most ultimate/zero pt/heart of the matter type of Taoist simple truth, yet, however, its closer than Ive ever come to it so I shared it with Cary earlier in the week and she asked me to share it with YOU, Everyone! Sooo….The Being known as Santa is an immortal avatar of goodwill who travels around the world witnessing, instigating and participating in acts of kindness with and for humanity throughout the year. He then takes all of that cumulative good spirit created and captures the essence of all of the ways Tha Force was harnessed for the good of another, gathers up this divine presence as it were (the metaphorical presents in his sak is actually the I AM Presence/nature you BE when your acting from within this state of pure consciousness; like Jesus was able to tap.. Jesus was an Ascended Master who started as a mortal man..more on that in Part II!) and on Christmas Eve he flies around the planet, releasing that magic, passion and divine energy back into the atmosphere. Its then magnified by the Mothers/Earths pure intentions/energetics/good graces, as well as, the collective consciousness we share around Christmastime/Christmastide (this beautiFULL SHIFT in the wavey matter stream of consciousness acts as a literal TIDE, In Fact. Words are spells, thats why they call it spelling!, and quantum grammar is REALly fun to use to decode The Matrix. This time/tide IS an actual Giant wave of heart coherence and right minded conscious awareness; a sea of wave matter in taking the form of blessed emotions capable of illuminating darkened paths! Science can actually measure these things now but thats a whole other puzzle piece and easily found anymore) and then this intensified essence gets absorbed back into the human race, overflows into the ley lines we move around and recharges our karmic battery for the coming year and feeds us for the months to come with a sort of energetic slow drip of goodness, so to speak. The benevolent use of Free Will, the collective goodwill of humanity is blessed and returned back to the energetic soup (aka The Matrix or The Field) that makes up this collective reality and serves as a karmic balancer for the next stretch of time or tidal flow! This is how we stay mostly in harmony, thriving and in Enuf good spirit throughout the year to survive and coexist in this messy game of separation and chaos we are playing the rest of the time..this is why people get more polarized and cranky towards end of the reset; because theyre literally running on fumes if theyre not engaging the magic, intentionally, themselves throughout the year (GOTTA BE A PROGRAMMER RATHER THAN THE PROGRAMMED TO CONTROL YOUR OWN FLOW..feed the magic as much as or, ideally, more than youre sucking it up!)..this also explains why people get more hopeful around the Yule again because we both sense the accumulation and immanent return of the magic/goodness AND the program is triggering positive expectation and emotions in the same way your family can trigger negative ones by making simple statements! The Emo Poles are aim and shoot NORTH!! Simply CHOOSE TO FOCUS More from a ChristMás/Future Perspective, less from the ghost of egos past! Anyway, back to The BElovable Santa Spirit! Instead of saying that he delivers gifts to all the boys and girls, its more accurate to say he just delivers one gift to ALL. Love, Hope, Belief, Cheer, Goodness, Goodwill, etc are all characteristics of Santa, this Christmastime &, you know, CHRISTED CONSCIOUSNESS, in general! He is actually Delivering MORE Christness (ChristMás!) back into the sea of energy & consciousness wave pool. In pre-Christian Norse tradition, Odin, the first Santa incarnate and the Viking God of battle & death who had a flying horse, was celebrated on the winter solstice & the yule. The Vikings made sacrifices to him and he protected them. He would often enter their homes through chimneys and deliver offering to make amends (balance his own karma..I guess Santa wasnt a saint yet! He was still Ascending his own Being back then!) for his destructive behavior. This isnt meant to be a boring wiki post so lets fast forward to Santa as St. Nicholas and then the most modern day version, where it starts to and then completely manifests from within the Wonder vibe! St. Nick was actually called wondermaker and prankster because he put toys in peoples shoes and got up to all kinds of Jolly good fun! He is obviously the most recent incarnation of historical reference as he used a hat as his talisman to make him all powerful and was noted for his good deeds and giving nature. Todays Santa doesnt need a body as his Spirit is in the hearts and minds of everyone at this point. If The Christmastide were to be canceled, soon after the whole world would fall apart because if Santa stopped delivering The Gift @ Yule the collective consciousness would ebb too far back, into ego over roar, and the chaos, selfishness, separation/disconnect and hopelessness would dominate the global E! But now that the evolutionary leap in consciousness is reaching a tipping point, all the magic and power from all the good acts and all the good humanity has done for one year is becoming too much for Santa to carry all year long! Seems to me that the gift will have to be delivered more than one time per year pretty soon! Summer Solstice Jubilee feel in order to Anyone else?! ps I started preparing this first piece very late on Christmas Eve and at some point in the wee hrs of Christmas Morning I went outside to wish upon The Christmas Star & I swear a red light flashed across the sky..bright & steady..not so fast Id mistake it for a star, not so slow Id mistake it for a plane and just bold enuf Id feel The Gift of The MAGIc ;) Heres a taste of part II for anyone who is still asking WWJD!!..its all unedited and very little is complete enough to even share a taste but if ur curious about the followup itll b along these thematic lines
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 09:26:20 +0000

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