The Slaughter - Official Trailer Barnes & Noble - TopicsExpress


The Slaughter - Official Trailer Barnes & Noble ►barnesandnoble/w/the-slaughter-ethan-gutmann/1117654366?ean=9781616149406 Amazon ►amazon/The-Slaughter-Killings-Harvesting-Dissident/dp/161614940X/ref=pd_sim_b_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0HRN4GXFHZXN33KHFB7H Random House ►randomhouse/book/236550/the-slaughter-by-ethan-gutmann “It is a TRAGEDY that The Slaughter will be BANNED in China..” —Chen Guangcheng “The Slaughter is gripping, horrifying, infuriating—and utterly compelling . . . read this book.” —William Kristol, editor, Weekly Standard VITAL Gutmanns account exposing a state sanctioned denial an outright atrocity. Gutmann explores the hideous economics of...foreigners traveling to China on a kill to order basis —Publishers Weekly “A shocking account filled with detailed personal research, carefully weighed, of a gruesome aspect of China’s economic boom. Ethan Gutmann reveals how the organ-harvesting business symbiotically developed out of the fierce retribution meted out to the Chinese Communist Party’s enemies—Uyghurs, Tibetans, and above all Falun Gong practitioners—and has helped make the China gulag profitable.” —Jasper Becker, author of Hungry Ghosts: Mao’s Secret Famine “Drawing on extensive interviews and patient compilation of numbers, names, places, and dates, Ethan Gutmann reports China’s shocking persecution of prisoners of conscience, including torture in prisons and labor camps and organ harvesting for profit. Some chapters make for gruesome reading. All shout out the need for accountability.” —Congressman Chris Smith, chairman of the Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organization Subcommittee Authors website: ethan-gutmann/
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:30:19 +0000

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