The Spectrum of Pagans~ This foto shows but a few archetypes - TopicsExpress


The Spectrum of Pagans~ This foto shows but a few archetypes commonly found in Paganism. To Pagans, we dont care what youre doing so long as youre kicking ass at it. We are as varied as the rainbow. 1. The Maiden-Princess: She is indeed most wondrous faire, gold of sunshine in her hair. Lips that shame the red-red-rose. In agless sleep, she finds repose. Young, sweet, beauteous girls of an innocent nature make up this archetype. The Aphrodisian model. An eidolon of beauty and charm. It is with a twinkle of her eye and the gleam of her hair that she unknowingly casts her spells. She could bring happiness and joy, and could even bring a king to abandon his throne to be with her. She rules the power of Love and Beauty. 2: The Healer-Priestess: She or He is attuned with nature, and with their extensive knowledge of plants and minerals can heal any malady, physical, psychological or neurological. She is the voice of the Mother Goddess and serves as a guardian of the creatures of nature and the Old Religion. A hermit of the woods, she passes as a whisper in the fields sewing her blessings and reaping those who harm the balance she is entrusted to keep. 3: Lá Faé: Like her Sister the High-Priestess, Lá Fae (The Faery) is a child of nature. She clings to the wilderness and its cycles, and her knowledge of the mysterious gives her a mastery over those forces. She is neither teacher nor student, good nor wicked. She uses her magick as she pleases, and can enchant, ensnare, transform or sedate. She is the Mistress of the Hedge. 4: The Vodou Queen: A unique breed of Witch unto herself, the African shamaness serves to her people--the Vodouisants--as a medium to the Lwà, the ancestral gods of Africa. Her position is one of popularity, respect and fear. She understands the need for both good and bad--black and white. Armed with her boa constrictor, vèves, bones and spirit dolls, she sees the world as a treasure box to which she is entitled. The only person who may dare question her is God himself. She reigns supreme in the game of Chance. 5: The Sorceress: She knows everything, and sees all. From her mighty castle, she plays the lives of those around her like a game of chess. Armed with ancient spellbooks, mysterious mirrors and strange relics, she has studied every form of magic and seeks to master them all. Though psychologically damaged, she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. That makes her the most dangerous creature on earth. She has no care for Balance, just to use witchcraft for her personal gain. Her influence is tremendous and by the spirits of nature or death she will accomplish her goal. Her power is the Power of Dark Magic. 6: The Trinity: Three they always number, and in threes they appear. The Trinity or Triad are a triumvirate of generational power, taking the form of three sisters; daughter, mother and granddaughter; or three united friends. Each is gifted with her own specialty and they work as unit or Coven to achieve their goal. In them we see the ancient Celtic triquetra, three goddess all different but equal in might. They preside over the passing of time: Life, Death and Rebirth. 7:The Green Man: Though existing in every culture, he is more expressed in Indo-European mythology. He presides over nature, and is the driving male force of fertility needed to ensure life continues. He is both guardian and hunter of the animals, and his job is to select who is strong enough to remain among the pack. Virility is in his blood, and as King of the Wild, he sews the seed of renewal. He is the Primal Masculine Force. 8: The Warrior: His war-cry is fierce; his strength unmatched. He does not easily accept all hands that extend to greet him, for he is too aware of snakes in the grass. It is natural for him to defend and protect, but both protection and destruction is in his (or her) nature. Armed with the might and weaponry of the gods and his people, he will quell any foe who challenges his dark gaze. He is the Red Man, the Martian model. His anger is mighty and by the right cause, a burning wildfire. He is Fire, warm, guiding, destructive and useful all at the same time. 9: The Shaman: He is the Wise One, the ancient origin of the Wizard. Old and withered he has more strength of mind than he needs of bone. He is himself the passageway to the land of the Spirits. He is a leader of his tribe, and no decisions in war or settlement are made without his consultation. He understand not only nature but Man as well, and their relationship with one another. He is the Grandfather and grandpatriarch of his people. Wisdom, cunning and sage understanding are his gifts to the younger generation.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 01:50:19 +0000

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