The Squeeze and I were invited to dine last night with one of the - TopicsExpress


The Squeeze and I were invited to dine last night with one of the Twin Cities most interesting, attractive and talented couples. This is the kind of invitation that you wouldnt turn down even if it meant going to St. Paul. The first-rate wine that was served lubricated the discussion at table that ran the gamut from architecture to representational practices in eighteenth-century London. Really it was a historiography of the Enlightenment which was enlightening. Social critics all, the clash of ideas on education, Jean Nouvell, Piña Bausch, the future of theater in the Twin Cities and things political was dizzying, although I may just have drunk too much. There was a lot to chew on, as was the delicious spread put before us, including the paper thin Bresola. The homemade apple-pear tart, gorgeous without need for a highly paid food stylist, was a feast for the eyes as well as the olfactory and gustatory senses. If I were a synesthesiac, I would have heard music or seen colors with each bite. By evenings end, at the behest of our hosts, The Squeeze and I were ready to book immediate seats for weekend getaway to the Taj Mahal. The evening only lacked the live accompaniment of a viola da gamba, though I suspect its saudade-inducing strains will be heard setting the tone of future evenings.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 16:15:18 +0000

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