The Step of Mark Vaughn written after Re-elction of - TopicsExpress


The Step of Mark Vaughn written after Re-elction of Barack Obama to Presidency along with Pi-Three, a newspaper that mixes Math and Politics Something common to literature and even religion is something that has been termed the step of faith, or sometimes the leap of faith. In the movie Indiana Jones and the search for the Lost Grail...a depiction of this was made visually, as the protagonist and the father made their way toward the place they thought they might find the Holy Grail. They came to a bridge that extended over a cliff and seemingly bottomless pit only part of the way. There was a clue that stated that they must make a leap of faith. It was an illusion. They could not see the extension of the bridge. It looked like it fell into oblivion, when actually when a person made a single step into the seeming void, they found a solid footing and bridge to the other side. So it is with all that has surrounded the so-called fiscal cliff debate. For a while now, the American People have been told that increasing revenue as a way to decrease the deficit would cause a recession and ruin the economy. During a recession, a tax cut was extended to avoid this. But actually...nothing changed...and the Obama administration made a policy that actually improved the economy...over two years, and decreased employment which was pushing 12% when Obama took office. What is lost in the debate is the past history of the tax cut. The Bush administration did this cut with a surplus, and a balanced budget. IF that was the case, and tax cuts make the economy stronger, then why is there a deficit. And why did the economy go through the worst recession since the great depression. The conservatives never concede this point. Why...if there were no major cuts...has the economy improved with tighter regulation when deregulation is thought to help this industry so much? The fact is that though they said the economy was doomed, it improved, by common sense measures implemented over time after a tough loss of the house in midterms. And now after losing a pivotal election the conservatives are backed into a corner. The Democrats compromised with them to extend the tax cuts. They refuse not to even consider the middle class tax cuts...because they say it unfair to the top 5% of the wage earners. If worst comes to the economy really going to go over a fiscal cliff...or is this an illusion propagated by the media and a group who are now backed into a corner with no leverage than to try creating an illusion? The Cliff looming… In Actuality, to have the Bush Tax cuts expire would put America where it was under the Clinton Administration when he left a surplus, and was paying down on the national debt; something the conservatives have given lip service to, but never did because they cut revenues to give the top 5% a tax cut. So my question is we want the economy we had under Bill Clinton, or the one we had under George Bush? If we take they step ...of faith, towards balancing the budget the old fashioned way...meaning generating revenue...and then paying for our debts...then the American people will find the economy they were looking for, and the grail that has been lost.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:52:34 +0000

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