The Sun Cycle of Libra began in 1962, more accurately on February - TopicsExpress


The Sun Cycle of Libra began in 1962, more accurately on February 5th. To be more specific, according to the Long Term Zodiac, we are in the First Sun Cycle of the Zodiacal Sign LIBRA or the Cycle Epoch of Justice or righteousness. We are in the Seventh House or “Sign” LIBRA, not AQUARIUS which is the Eleventh House—being one house from the last cycle PISCES on the Long Term Zodiac. So, Long Term AQUARIUS also exists in the Revolutionary Cycle, as does Long Term LIBRA. The Short Term Zodiac view (daily, annually, and in thousands of years [25,920 each HouseSign]) is partial; and the Long Term view of the Zodiac that exist only on the bottom Half of the Smat Circle of Order(36 million years in total)—the True“Animal World,Whirl,Circle Cycle”.6 Signs exist in Evolution: ARIES to Virgo (18 million years in total); 6 Signs exist in Revolution: LIBRA to PISCES (18 million years in total). Long Term means that each house lasts 3 million years in The Greater Circle Cycle, so LIBRA IS the Seventh sign on the Short Term Zodiac in general, and The long Term Zodiac of The Smat Circle of Order. LIBRA is the Time of Judgment by the “weighing of your Heart Vortex-Seat on the scale of Ma’at against the weight of a Feather”; this is according to the Ancient Egyptian-Pantheists from sciences gained from the Ethiopian-Egyptians (Ptah-Kind) of Pre-Dynastic (Proto-Dynastic), or Pre-Historic (Before Man-Kind) times. It is interesting to note that the symbol for The Zodiac Sign Aquarius is a water-bearer symbol, as also is NUN[NU] in Ancient Egypt, the manifestation of Primordial Chaotic Waters (Efficacious Fluid-Fire called Ethers) from which ATUMRE, the Fully Risen Sun-Re (of the so-called Morning, Metaphysical Point 6 East) was born, as in Ineb Hedj/Ankh Tawy Cosmology, popularly called Memphite Theology in its Pantheistic or Religious context. Notice that NUN (Nine) appears to Rises from three waves of water from three water vessels [Point 3 South]. Therefore, the “Age of Aquarius” is symbolically the “Age of Nun” and emergence from The Womb.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:15:09 +0000

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