The Time-slice Reference of Nature Richard Dean Shover - TopicsExpress


The Time-slice Reference of Nature Richard Dean Shover Oct. 14 2013 First of all this is a postulation of theorems justified by CERN, Fermes in chicago and previously established or proposed theories since I take in all data and drawn conclusions by defination of established conjector and result plus onward continual reasoning stepped atop each confirmed analysis. Large words and bold expressions indeed. Those are the long established practices of onward sciences of man. If you cannot think beyond the box and reason the meaning and then find the answer then your not going forward in your search for common reason. CERN in Europe and the U.S. interests in chicago are my watchdogs and participate in worksharing loads on my systems using BOINC. I read my own data being processed and also keep up with the science channels proposals as well as the history channel ideas. Its not totally efficent but the data is astounding if you simply record them all and find analyical hits that tend to repeat themselves. CERN got the credit to finding the H factor in particle space trying to find a particle, in 2012 they instead found a fluidic sub-space which gives rise to just how non-locality works. Information at that level is simply a burst of energy that gives rise all possibilities until you notice them then one gets the job of becoming your choice of reality. Its almost like an electrical pulse in water, everything is affected till the two main least restrictive paths determine one is the best choices and one is left to be your personal choice therefore being the one you believe to be true. I think this was a MAJOR tilting point in our lifespan of time. You see, those actions in sub-space and its parent plank time\space are trillionths of a sec. so thats their lifespan as we see it. Our lifespan can last as much on average now up to 80+ years so thats our personal plank time. Yet Cosmic space happens on billions of years so thats its personal plank time so you get the idea. Time isnt just a slice of a moment but just as much a force on nature as gravity itself. So now try to use math to entangle a dialable scale of time against gravity influenced by the space in any given scale and you find the smaller you view the quicker its shelf-life becomes and the larger you imagine then the longer nature gives it to work out its shelf-life. This is simply demonstrated in our belief in the big bang theory. It was a singularity within nothing and became universal everything so just try to overlay the time-scale to it and your find that it took the smallest of plank nature to become the largest of cosmic nature. So what does that mean? Well many things. Time is differential to size of nature, yet nature is constant across every scale we can justify. So can you consider Nature to be the life-force of time? I think so and in fact its demonstrated both in the sub-space of the quantium scale of plank time but also the cosmic nature we see, afterall we are all constructed of the particles of dead stars over time but the force that makes you life isnt because its just as constant as the gravity that defines the mass and energy derivative from it. It may just be a matter of perspective. Right now we can notice sub-particles and how they seem to react but the other physics when they all get placed within its own sub-space is conjecture. We do understand to the most part our own mortality but only inherantly understand how we got here using higher understanding of nature. We are discovering how our own cosmos is structured and the WMAP venture tends to show not just a universe of random nature but whole tenticles of galaxies that tend to cluster just like the neurons in your own brain. So then is there a higher brain we might be seeing? What if and here comes the postulation of many mathematical scales emerging. What if those atoms we are trying to watch are just smaller shorter living solar systems with their own life on planets trying to find their maker but the life-span is so short they may have lived longer as a species and trying to communicate to US within our own DNA but even more wonderous is the possibility that our entire universe might just be the grey matter of a math busting U-state being we live in as just a moment of time sliced down to our scale as a pulse of energy within a thought he saw into life. Then how old could he be by scale, by our standards thats infinate just as atoms are finite. Life force might be the still unknown undiscovered country. A.T.A. DATA RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC. ©2013
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:37:51 +0000

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