The Tories are on a single-minded mission, make no mistake. They - TopicsExpress


The Tories are on a single-minded mission, make no mistake. They are on a mission to strip money from the poorest of our country and funnel it into the coffers of the already rich and privileged. This IS their agenda, and the sooner that the people wake up to the lies and see through the bullshit and the thinly disguised veils that they hang all around us, the better. David Cameron and his band of liars may try to fool us with stories about an economy that is turning around, or unemployment figures that are apparently falling, but it is all smoke and mirrors designed to obfuscate the facts as they really are, to keep the truth from us, the truth being that as we grow poorer, less healthy and increasingly destitute by way of their inhuman and barbaric policies, they grow stronger, richer and even more powerful and untouchable. Vote of No Confidence in the UK Coalition believes that everyone should by now be realising that austerity IS a lie and that there is no need for welfare reform at all. All of the problems in the UK today could be sorted out if the £35 Billion per year tax evasion and avoidance bill was tackled, that dodgy expenses claims were closed and that a measured clamping down on the bankers and on EU control of our once proud, sovereign nation is initiated. tirnasaor/video/video/show?id=3214356%3AVideo%3A445050&xgs=1&xg_source=msg_share_video The Tory-led coalition government is a complete and utter sham and an afront to common decency, and to what little democracy still exists in this country. It is a disease running rampant under the control of leeches and sycophants intent on bleeding us all dry, and all because we, the people of the UK, are standing by and allowing them to get away with it. We can no longer stand by and allow them to do that. Remember though that this page does not advocate violence as a means to an end. Any protest that we engage in MUST always remain peaceful and free of violence in order that we do not stoop to the levels of those that are raping this country and play into their hands. Peaceful protest is the way forwards. Always... Vote of No Confidence in the UK Coalition
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 03:58:55 +0000

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