The United States 1906 to 2000 1906 - SAN FRANCISCO - TopicsExpress


The United States 1906 to 2000 1906 - SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE 1908 - FORD INTRODUCES MODEL T - TAFT ELECTED PRESIDENT - TR GOES ON SAFARI AND EUROPE TOUR, VISITS KAISER - NAACP FOUNDED 1912 - TR RUNS AS PROGRESSIVE… WILSON WINS - MORE THAN 1000 AFRICAN AMERICANS LYNCHED SINCE 1901 1914 - WORLD WAR I BEGINS IN EUROPE 1917 - Zimmerman Telegram - U.S. ENTERS WORLD WAR I 1918 - WORLD WAR I ENDS 1919 - TR DIES – CARNEGIE DIES 1923 - GERMAN MONEY HYPER INFLATES - HITLER’S BEER HALL COUP ATTEMPT FAILS 1919 - TREATY OF VERSAILLES, 19TH AMENDMENT - HITLER SENTENCED TO JAIL, BEGINS MEIN KAMPF. 1925 - HINDENBURG ELECTED PRESIDENT OF GERMANY 1929 - STOCK MARKET CRASHES, DEPRESSION BEGINS 1930 - HITLER’S NAZI PARTY GAINS MAJORITY IN PARLIAMENT 1931 - GEORGE’S DAD GRADUATES FROM COLLEGE / HITLER BEGINS TO TAKE POWER IN GERMANY - WORST OF DEPRESSION ALMOST 25% UNEMPLOYED 1932 - FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT ELECTED PRESIDENT - COMMUNIST PARTY MAKES GAINS IN GERMANY 1933 - FDR INAUGURATED “100 DAYS” - HINDENBURG APPOINTS HITLER CHANCELLOR 1934 - HINDENBURG DIES, HITLER APPOINTS HIMSELF PRESIDENT - “ FUEHRER” 1936 - FDR RE-ELECTED - GERMANY AND ITALY SIGN “AXIS” TREATY 1937 - German airship HINDENBURG BURNS IN NEW JERSEY 1938 - “MUNICH” – British P.M. Chamberlain agrees that Hitler can have Czechoslovakia. 1939 - (SEPTEMBER) WORLD WAR II STARTS IN EUROPE with German Invasion of Poland. In just five weeks Poland surrenders to Germany. 1940 - (May) Germany invades Holland, Belgium and France – Churchill becomes P.M. - (May 30) British evacuate Continent at Dunkirk - (June) France Surrenders 1941 - (June) Germany invades Russia - (DECEMBER) JAPANESE ATTACK PEARL HARBOR – U.S. DECLARES WAR ON JAPAN - HITLER DECLARES WAR ON U.S. 1942 - (January) – Germans begin retreat from Moscow area - (May) 1000 British planes bomb Cologne, Germany - (May) U.S. surrenders Philippines to Japan - (June) Battle of Midway, Japanese Fleet turned back with heavy losses. - (August) American Marines land on Guadalcanal beginning “island hopping” assault against Japan. - (September) Battle of Stalingrad begins - (November) Americans invade North Africa 1943 - (January) Roosevelt and Churchill meet in Casablanca, North Africa - U.S. continues island offensive against Japan - (February) Germans surrender in Stalingrad, huge loss. - (July) Allies land in Sicily - British bomb Hamburg, creating firestorm, killing over 100,000 - (September) Italy surrenders - (November) FDR, Churchill and Stalin meet at Teheran, Iran 1944 - (January) Soviet troops now in Poland – Allies land in Italy at Anzio - (June 6) Allies invade Europe – D-Day - (October) MacArthur’s troops land in Philippines. 1945 - (February) Dresden bombed - (March) Japanese still fighting in Philippines. - (April) U.S. troops land on Okinawa (near Japan) - FDR Dies - (May) Germany Surrenders - (June) U.N. Charter Signed - (August) Atomic bombs dropped – Russia declares war on Japan - Japan surrenders - (November) War Crimes Trials begin in Germany. 1946 - U.S. troops in Korea, replacing Japanese - U.S. grants independence to Philippines (leases bases to U.S.) - Communist controlled government in East Germany 1947 - Britain Nationalizes Coal, radio, electrical - Marshall plan to aid Germany and Europe (originally offered to all of Europe, including USSR occupied. - Loyalty oaths for Govt. Workers - Jackie Robinson becomes first African American major league baseball player 1948 - Peacetime draft - Truman defeats Dewey and is re-elected. - Berlin Airlift - Communist Parties gain control of rest of Soviet occupied Europe 1949 - NATO established - U.N. headquarters sited in New York. - U.S. supported Greek government defeats Communists in civil war. - South Africa prohibits interracial marriages - Communist Chinese drive Nationalists to Taiwan, securing control of Mainland China. - USSR develops Atomic Bomb 1950 - U.S. recognizes Vietnam - McCarthy Hearings begin - Communists in U.S. must register - U.S. bars trade with Communist China - Korean war starts, North Invades South – UN intervenes (USSR absent from Security Council) 1951 - 22nd Amendment, prohibiting more than two presidential terms - Rosenburgs found guilty, sentenced to death (executed in 1953) - Truman relieves MacArthur of command in Korea – DM returns in triumph, talk of impeachment… “Old soldiers never die… they just fade away”… and he did. - Churchill again elected P.M. of Britain 1952 - King George VI dies; Elizabeth becomes Queen - Eisenhower and Nixon elected President and Vice President 1953 - U.S. provides military aid to France to suppress Vietnam freedom fighters 1954 - Brown v. Board of Education 1955 - U.S. begins economic aid to South Vietnam - Montgomery Bus Boycott; Martin Luther King becomes prominent. - Women ordained in Presbyterian Church - Churchill resigns as British P.M. - U.S. Supreme Court orders immediate desegregation of schools 1956 - Eisenhower and Nixon re-elected. - Anti-Communist revolution in Hungary brutally suppressed by Soviet troops. 1957 - Gov. Faubus of Arkansas uses National Guard troops to prevent de-segregation of Little Rock High School. DDE federalizes troops and forces de-segregation. - Congress passes Civil Rights act prohibiting discrimination in public. Nevertheless continued resistance to integration in South. 1958 - First Xerox machine - Soviets launch “Sputnik” - First trans-Atlantic jet passenger service. - DDE sends U.S. Marines to Lebanon to suppress Arab nationalists. 1959 - Alaska and Hawaii become states - Castro comes to power in Cuba - Khruschev visits U.S. 1960 - Lunch counter sit ins begin in South (beginning of “Civil Rights Movement” - Castro confiscates U.S. property in Cuba; U.S. begins embargo - Soviets launch dogs and mice into space and bring them back alive. - Kennedy and Johnson elected President and Vice President 1961 - US INCREASES INVOLVEMENT IN VIETNAM - U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba - U.S. supports abortive “Bay of Pigs” invasion of Cuba - JFK institutes the Peace Corps - Berlin Wall constructed - CORE attempts to desegregate interstate bus lines - Black Muslims advocate black power and separation of races 1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis. - Military coup (with U.S. approval) overthrows Diem in Vietnam 1963 - KENNEDY ASSASSINATED - Oswald shot by Jack Ruby – country “stunned” Lyndon Johnson becomes President. - Medgar Evers – NAACP worker is killed - France vetoes British entry into Common Market - U.S. Nuclear submarine with 129 aboard is lost in Atlantic 1964 - Johnson defeats Republican Goldwater and remains President –Goldwater only got 52 electoral votes, perceived as a war hawk. - U.S. Destroyer allegedly attacked in Gulf of Tonkin. Congress resolves that President Johnson given authority to use all power to repel attacks on U.S. forces… this resolution formed basis for massive escalation of U.S. military action in Vietnam without declaration of war. 1965 - Massive escalation of U.S. military effort, combined with nightly TV coverage of war and opposition of liberal news media. Anti war demonstrations become wide spread - Race Riots in Watts area of L.A. - 5 million color TV’s - Malcolm X is shot and killed 1966 - More race riots in many major cities - African American Edward Brooke is elected U.S. Senator from Mass. 1967 - More race riots - Vietnam war continues to escalate - Thurgood Marshall becomes first African American on U.S. Supreme Court. - First heart transplant - Black mayors are elected in Cleveland, Ohio and Gary, Indiana. 1968 - Tet Offensive - MLK assassinated - RFK assassinated - Nixon defeats Humphrey and becomes President - US Submarine sinks, 99 die. 1969 - U.S. - Vietnam peace talks start - 400,000 people attend “Woodstock” - Mi Lai massacre – Lt. Calley convicted in 1971 - Golda Meir becomes Prime Minister of Israel - Yale, Bown and Colgate admit women 1970 - Martial Law in Canada because of Quebec separatists attacks - 448 Universities and colleges closed or on strike in protest against war - Nixon names two women generals 1971 - Constitutional Amendment (26) lowering voting age to 18 1973 - VIETNAM WAR ENDS- NIXON RESIGNS 1980 - SOME OF CLASS NOW BORN 1992 - CLINTON ELECTED President, 2000 - DISPUTED ELECTION OF 2000 - George Bush BECOMES PRESIDENT
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 02:10:16 +0000

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