The Unknown Philosopher LOUIS CLAUDE DE SAINT-MARTIN By - TopicsExpress


The Unknown Philosopher LOUIS CLAUDE DE SAINT-MARTIN By Stanislaw and Zofja Goszczynski, F.R.C. Officers, Grand Lodge of the A.M.O.R.C. of Poland PART I [From The Rosicrucian Digest December 1947] IN THE great family of nations, notwithstanding the differences of race, nationality, and language, there is a tendency for spiritually awakened men to gravitate to each other; the men of kindred souls who seek the plenitude of their humanity and who, unable to attain it solely on the physical plane, pursue it in the higher regions where their ardent yearning leads them to the very sanctuary of the Living God. Those wayfarers recognize each other by signs visible and invisible, and discover the degree of development and rebirth in the spirit as real and definitely achieved. In cases of special spiritual nearness the link between them becomes so close that even so-called death ceases to be an impediment. Not always does a spiritually united family exist in the flesh at one time but each of the members discovers sooner or later its traces, and benefits by the spiritual hoardings of predecessors. Each one on the way to self-development tends to the knowledge of his own self, endeavors to unveil the transcendental, eternal picture concealed in him, to unravel the text of God-thought deposed in him and attain its fullest and purest manifestation. Here can be aptly quoted the words of the Gospel: Seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. Whoever ardently desires, perseveringly seeks and yearns to reach the Divine Ideal with the whole strength of his soul is sure to find support. Indeed, the courageous conquer the Kingdom of Heaven by subduing the opposition of the lower instincts of nature, by scorning any compromise and tending ever higher toward the Kingdom of Light and Liberty. Louis Claude de Saint-Martin was such a knight bent on the quest of light. He has been acknowledged as one of the greatest mystics of France, but the work of his life is not solely in the books he wrote. His whole existence was devoted to the idea of a great renascence of mankind, and he awakened a profound echo not only in France but also in the West and East of Europe. We find traces of this influence in the creative works of our prophetic poets, markedly in Adam Mickiewicz. To be able to understand Saint-Martin one must go deep into his work; peruse his wide correspondence, study his biography (published by Papus, Matter, Franck, and others) presented by many authors and critics, often partially and wrongly. A keen observer should have no difficulty in discovering the real Saint-Martin, a picture not blurred by superfluous and erroneous suggestions. His real self passed through various phases of development; a disciple and adept of the esoteric science of Martinez Pasquales, who was a sociologist, a theurgist, and a mystic, we see the rungs of the ladder he mounted, marked by the very title of his successive books: The Man of Desire, The New Man, The Ministry of the Man-Spirit. The principal traits of Saint-Martins character were manly energy, vigorous activity, and also a womanly, fine sensitiveness and inborn refinement. His undaunted and unwavering attitude when he stood up in defence of professed ideals, virtually supported by his mode of life, often made him seem hard, even toward friends, but he was the first to suffer. A tenderness springing from the heart would strive to allay the pain he could not help inflicting on others. The mysticism of Saint-Martin was not abstract and separated from life. He endeavored to penetrate the very depth of the Godhead and with the searchlights of knowledge illuminate all the aspects of life. He had discovered the secret of happiness on earth, perfect balance between law and duty, harmony of professed ideals with everyday life. He considered that the coexistence of various people should be based on fraternity, leading toward the spiritual equality of all and to the freedom which is the natural outcome of the principles of brotherhood. The doctrine of Saint-Martin is clear and simple. Its truth can be easily perceived by any man of good will, because the French mystic had first gained the knowledge of divine laws and fashioned his doctrine accordingly. Through his works he desired to diffuse the light of knowledge imparted to him by revelation, and yet a dread of possible abuse on the part of people, unprepared or persistently of bad-will, induced him to use the esoteric veil of symbols, when approaching truths destined for the initiated. The work of his life made his name immortal, not only in his own country but throughout the world, since the ray, started from the source of universal light, shines irresistibly for the whole of mankind. Early Years Saint-Martin was born in Amboise, January 18, 1743. Very little is known about his childhood. His mother died soon and this loss must have had a deep influence on the molding of his personality. Thence his excessive sensitiveness, the outpouring of feeling in quest of response, and the sweetness of his refinement. Between him and his father there was lack of understanding and even in the early years of Saint-Martins activity clashes became unavoidable. Not much is known concerning his brothers, but it also seems that no harmony existed in this relation. Sorrow stung the heart of Saint-Martin in early childhood but his reaction showed more strength than weakness. In the background of a not-too-happy childhood, there arose in the childs soul yearnings for a higher life; shortage of love in his family circle incited him to seek the love of God. The letters of Saint-Martin tell us how conscientiously he tried to fulfill his duty toward his father, even at the cost of great sacrifice, thereby impeding the plans he had made for his future. After he had finished school, his father wanted him to study law; Saint-Martin was obedient to this wish. Nevertheless, he was soon convinced of the impossibility of continuing in this direction. The intricacies of law, its relativity, went against the grain of his character. He was looking for another sort of law. In this period of his life, he could not see his way clearly, conscious will power was still missing--thence his second mistake: military service. This also did not last long, but in this station of life something began to crystallize in the interior of his being--a door seemed to open on the enchanted garden in which he was to begin his mission. He became acquainted with Monsieur de Grainville, an officer like himself, and with De Balzac, both disciples of Martinez Pasquales. Gradually their relations grew closer. Saint-Martin was received into the inner circle of Martinez Pasquales; he became initiated and became to Martinez Pasquales a chosen pupil and secretary. Saint-Martin left the army and devoted himself entirely to his work. The idea of the Reintegration of Mankind advanced by Martinez Pasquales appealed to him strongly. Loyally and with great fervor, Saint-Martin began to execute all the orders of his Master, studying his theory, submitting to recommended and theurgic practices. Significant Influences The turning point in the life of Saint-Martin came when he met the Unknown Agent (LAgent Inconnu). This was a being who belonged to the higher spiritual planes, put his stamp on the lodge at Lyons, and especially inspired Saint-Martin. Now the individuality of Saint-Martin began to crystallize, making him more and more interested in regard to the collective work in the lodges and to new personal contacts as, for example, with the Mesmeric Society, and the numerous occultists of the time--English, Italian, Polish, and Russian. Friendships with women played an important part in the life of Saint-Martin; their tone was lively and enthusiastic, and seemed to flow from a need of spiritual communion with the pole of eternal womanhood. However, Saint-Martin used to say that he was made solely for spiritual life; he never married. His biographers enumerate a list of prominent women of the time. The Duchess of Bourbon, Madame de Bry, Madame de Saint-Dicher, Madame de Polomieu, Madame de Brissac, and others. A significant role in the life of Saint-Martin was played by Madame de Boecklin (thanks to her spirituality and her great intelligence). She inspired him to read the works of Jacob Boehme. The preceding years of his life were only a preparation, for now his soul opened like a flower. The light of spiritual knowledge streamed from the works of Boehme into the prepared interior of Saint-Martins being and gave an unwanted glamour to his mission. He felt a new plenitude of realization, a freedom from the fettering influence of the exterior world, henceforward only a field of action, a scope of fruitful service. The great French Revolution left him unshaken. As an initiate of high degree, he could easily unravel the meaning of tremendous events but, though compassionate for the mass of suffering showered on France, he never tried to avert the decisions of destiny as did other initiates, according to Cazotte, a man of high moral worth and a mystic, with whom he was in close relations. When death overshadowed Paris, snatching at highborn victims, Saint-Martin felt safe in this city, while he gave help to the needy without fear for his own life which he had entrusted to God. When forced to leave for Amboise he remained there to the end of his days, correcting and completing his work. He died on October 13, 1803. The pupils of Saint-Martin state that the last moments of his life were ecstatic. Light surrounded and transfigured him. He already had lived on another plane, and proved that the death of a mystic and initiate is free from the dread of the unknown. For a liberated soul, death is a shaking off of the limitations of matter, a return from exile, a reunion with the Celestial Father.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 00:00:04 +0000

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