The Voice Of God In This Last Days was delivered on Sunday - TopicsExpress


The Voice Of God In This Last Days was delivered on Sunday morning, 20th January 1963 at the Apostolic Church in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. 63-0120M 73 Adam heard His Voice in the cool of the evening and had fellowship with Him. There was no condemnation to Adam. He heard the Voice of God, and he said, Father, now I lay me down to sleep. And he laid down and Eve on his arm; the lion, the tiger, and the wild beasts laid right around him; there was no harm, no way of getting sick, no way of wondering if hed wake up in the morning, theyre going to wake up. Adam heard His Voice in the way that he ought to have heard it. But one day he heard his wifes voice. Now, I better leave that alone for a while. But he listened to the wrong voice, yet it was his wife, the closest tie he had on earth. Why didnt he, like Job, Thou speakest like a foolish woman? And if it would, the whole human race would be living instead of dying. It changed the course of human beings and time. But he heard a Voice of God, he had fellowship with it, but when he turned... How did he know that his wife was wrong? Remember, it was pleasant. 75 We think today that our organization church, we think that our prosperity today is God smiling upon us. It looks good. It looked good when Micaiah stood there before the four hundred prophets, and the whole land belonged to them, and the Philistines was on it, or the Assyrians; it looked good. These prophets was telling, Go out there, that belongs to us. Take it. But it wasnt the Voice of God. And Micaiah turned around and cursed the voice. And how did he know to do that? Because his vision was exactly with the Word. Thats the only way to trust it and see it today; its got to be on the Word. 76 Then did you notice after Adam listened to another voice besides Gods Voice, his own wife. And the church is listening to the voice of her organization, injecting into them creeds instead of the Word, letting them live any way they want to. As long as they go to church and a member of a certain church, thats all matters. Closest connection that the believer has on earth to them is the church. But the believer, the real believer, the closest connection is the Holy Spirit, is Gods Word. So you find out that Adam realized his condition, and he heard the Voice of God calling again, and he was in fig leaves then. But it was a voice of condemnation, Why have you done this? 78 I wonder if America today, or the world in its religious uproar, as it is, and America swallowing, being swallowed up, itll be a national religion pretty soon. [] ... whos setting before me. I know its taped and itll go all over the world. We have tape programs, that every message takes the whole world in, all other countries. Well, now, if youll look and see, youre just standing in fig leaves. When the true Voice of God comes out, they dont know what to do about it. Its confusing; they dont know what to do. Quickly. Noah heard the Voice of God. It was preparing to save his life, and he followed the instructions and he stood.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:47:54 +0000

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