The Word From: ‘Plenos - TopicsExpress


The Word From: ‘Plenos poderes’ It was born in blood, the word grew in the dark body, beating and flew through the lips and the mouth. Further, and nearer still, still it came from dead fathers, nomadic races, from lands made of stone, that were tired of their wretched tribes, because when pain set out on the way the villages walked and arrived and new earth and water joined again to sow their words anew. And so this is the legacy: this is the air which connects us to the dead man and the dawn of new beings not yet woken. The atmosphere still trembles with the first word formed in panic and moans. It rose from the shadows and even now no thunder yet thunders with the clang of that word the first word spoken: perhaps it was only a sigh, a drop, and yet its cascade falls and falls. Then sense fills the word. The word was made pregnant and filled with lives. It was all births and cries: affirmation, clarity, force, negation, destruction, death: the verb assumed all those powers and merged existence and essence in the electricity of her beauty. Word, human, syllabic, pelvis of wide light and solid silver, hereditary cup that receives the communication of blood: here is where silence was fused in the total human word and not to speak is to be dying among beings: language springs from the roots of the hair, the mouth talks without the lips moving: the eyes of a sudden are words. I take the word and traverse it as if it were solely human form, its lineaments delight me and I fly through each resonance of language: I pronounce and I am and I reach without speech the silence at the end of words. I drink to the word, lifting a word or a glass of crystal, in it I drink the wine of language or the interminable waters maternal fount of words, and glass and water and wine originate my song because the verb is the origin and the living channel: it is blood the blood that speaks its substance and so is ready to flow: giving crystal to crystal, blood to blood and giving life to life, the words.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 14:55:57 +0000

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