The Yidaki Therapy works on a special intention, assisted by the - TopicsExpress


The Yidaki Therapy works on a special intention, assisted by the guides of the four directions: earth, north; water, west; fire, south; air, east. This holistic work is carried out based on LOVE, ENERGY and INTUITION; three ways of powerful knowledge widely forgotten nowadays. Sound and vibration affects every cell of the body. We can take the example of a river. If we throw a stone in it, the stone creates concentric movements in the water and the whole lake is put into motion. Similarly, when sounding a Didgeridoo (Yidaki) on or near the body, the vibration of the sound reaches each and every cell of our body (which consists of about 70% of water). Disease is a disharmony of the vibration of the cells, tissues and organs of the body. When inner harmony is disturbed, we lose our equilibrium. Every day stress makes us prone to illness and impairs our quality of life. Through this sound session, such tensions and blockages in the mind, body, and soul can be gently loosened. The therapy has an immediate beneficial effect bringing the vibrating cells back into their harmonious state. The sound is absorbed by the body, flows through the body and reminds the cells about their original vibratory structure. In this way, they are restored, and we get clarity, relaxation and new energy. In addition, I offer group therapies in private, public and business settings. The aim is to balance the energy in all chakras of the body to restore the harmony of the whole self, to induce a mode of altered consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself. This helps release stress, calm down, clear the mind to be able to focus again on their tasks and feel happy. In case you also want to learn how to play, I also provide private individual classes or group didgeridoo seminars, which include the history of the didgeridoo, the benefits of playing and receiving its healing sound and vibration, introduction to the circular breathing and basic drone, practical activities with PVC didgeridoos for each participant and a final harmonization facilitated by me. BENEFITS -Gentle massage and harmonization of each individual body cell through sound -Relief of tensions, anxiety, stress and blockages in the body -Reinforcement of self-healing forces -Positive influence on self-confidence, creativity and productive energy -Letting go of old patterns -Deep journey into your soul to discover yourself -Relaxation and meditation -Boost of the immune system -Harmonization of energy points in the body -Balance of the nervous system -Better sleep -Release of endorphins -Deeper self-awareness by inducing synchronous brain activity -Inducement of natural altered states of consciousness -Access to the entire brain -Vibration in resonance with the natural rhythms of life -Secular approach to accessing a higher power Didgeridoo The Didgeridoo is an Australian instrument discovered more than 1,500 years ago, one of the most ancient instruments in the world. Its original and aboriginal name is Yidaki. The Yidaki is not manufactured but found. It is basically a dead eucalyptus tree hollowed naturally by termites. The Yidaki is traditionally used in ceremonies and rituals. Emotional reactions to this sound are often sensual and primitive, sometimes even brutish and crude. No other sound evokes such strong visions of powerful wild animals, or scenes from the dawn of mankind or from tribes of (from a western perspective) primitives. The didgeridoo sound aligns perfectly to the element earth in all its variations. The didgeridoo can take us to intrauterine states due to the similarity of its sound to the sounds inside the womb. This instrument is very useful to explore fears, communication issues and energetic blockages. Its sound is very piercing and helps to have a global vision of the physical body creating the possibility of establishing new connections with oneself and the whole universe, opening new channels. It creates a state of deep relaxation guiding the listener into an internal journey through sound and rhythm. All therapy sessions are carried out at the clients place. For more information please write to yidakitherapy@gmail.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 20:15:51 +0000

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