The abandonment of d job and money spinnin projects like seaport, - TopicsExpress


The abandonment of d job and money spinnin projects like seaport, oklng, free trade zones in Ijebu is simply cos they are all located in Ijebu. We ask if Ijebuland is nt part of Ogun State. #Fact about Olokola: Free Trade Zone/ Liquefied Gas Project. The difference must be made between the Olokola Free trade zone and the Olokola Liquefied gas project. Olokola free trade zone is a joint project between Ogun and On do state Government with equal land contribution into a zone under the management of the Nigerian Export processing Zone( NEPZA). The rules and regulations governing the zone are as administered by Nepza and an agreement establishing such relationship was signed by both states. The rules are general rules covering free trade zone with modification by the two states to suit their purpose. Whereas, the OKLNG project is a project conceptualised as a gas liquefying project by NNPC and other strategic investors Shell, Chevron and British Gas. At conception based on the feasibility of the project, it was located in Ode omi in Ogun state. The two projects are therefore very different and the relationship between them will be established. The Olokola free trade zone company registered with Nepza was established under NEPZA laws to take over the management of the Olokola free zone with running of the project under the rotational chairmanship of Ogun and Ondo state and equal membership from both States. The development of the large expanse of land so acquired and placed under the management of the zone company requires huge financing and other technical competence not available to the states thus the need for experts who have successfully managed such zones. Various expressions of interest were received and the company penciled down to ipem a subsidiary of Rent a port a Belgian company. The management of the Olokola free trade zone was therefore taken over by Ipem for the purpose of development and general adminstration of the zone under NEPZA with 80 20 percent ownership 80 ipem and 20 by both state. The company wanted 90 but a case was strongly made for the participation of the local community to establish and ensure their ownership of the project and so the states took over further 10 holding it in trust for its communities. The zone managers therefore took over the management of the company but not before the initial process of land acquisition and compensation was paid to the communities. For the initial phrase a total compensation of 116 million naira was to be paid by Government to the land owners. This was a process supervised the OKlng project sponsors because of their interest which would be established. Out these 116 million, 37 million could not be paid because of lack of documentation, duplication and no proof of transfer of benefit in case of deceased landlords. This was paid back to Government treasury with acknowledgment from the office of Accountant general of the state. It is important to point out that the states had representatives on the board of the zone company to ensure that the interest of the people are taken care of, which is the sole reason for the project. Land allocation is therefore done by the company and not the states and payments made to the company and not the states. The various companies wanting to establish in the zone are scrutinized also by a committee of ondo Ogun and Nepza. The OKLNG project realized that the initial economics of the project will be improved upon if it is located in the free zone to take advantage of the benefits of the zone. Approval was finally given by NEPZA for them to operate in the zone as a tenant and the project does not belong to either the states or the zone company However as part of protection for the communities and the state at large, a representation was made for a share of the project which was a difficult task but granted eventually for 10 share to the 2 states. The process of perfecting this was still ongoing at take over by the new administration in the state. A community forum was established and a Project Manager appointed by the state to liaise with the communities, take care of the wish list and wants. One of the critical things was to ensure that majority of employment go to communities. One of the modalities for ensur
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 10:52:57 +0000

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