The abuse of our massive tax code, by taxpayers, lobbyists and - TopicsExpress


The abuse of our massive tax code, by taxpayers, lobbyists and even the IRS itself, has gotten so blatant, even Congress has finally noticed...For the first time since the Reagan era, there’s a bipartisan push in both houses of Congress for what’s called a “blank slate” approach. That means stripping away many of those thousands of pages of loopholes and tax breaks. They’d start over with the bare bones tax code. Anyone who wants to add a tax break back would have to convince a majority of Congress to vote to reinstate it. Personally, I believe a better solution is the Fair Tax. It would be harder to rig again in the long run, and it would be so much better for the economy to tax consumption, not productivity. Still, any reform that strips away some of our insane wad of tax laws is welcome. Americans now spend $160 billion a year just to comply with tax laws. How much is that? Combine everything Washington spends in a year on highways, bridges, airports and other transportation projects. Now…double it. For more of the Huckabee Report visit MikeHuckabee.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 20:30:01 +0000

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