The aim or intent of this page, is not to create division or raise - TopicsExpress


The aim or intent of this page, is not to create division or raise arguments. Hopefully, we can come to agreement on things we might not seem to agree on. Here is an example. In the pictures you see a courthouse (sorry, the courthouse is a bit blurry) and a church house. If two individuals desire to be joined together there is one of these that they MUST go to and another that they MIGHT go to. The one they MUST go to is the courthouse. This they do in order to get a License from the authorities. By this we might surmise that the union of the two people is in fact a civil action. So, perhaps the Change we really seek would be to get government out of the marriage business all together. The government should only be able to issue a license for a civil union and this should apply to anyone. Absolutely anyone who desires to be legally united to another would be united by the local authority in a civil union by license and government decree. Son-of-a-gun, issue solved. Everyone is the same and everyone is treated equally under the law. Now as to the act of Marriage, that is a ceremony of faith which anyone is entitled to and all they need to do is locate a member of their own particular faith who is willing to perform a ceremony they are comfortable with. The problems are solved. This should be enacted as law in every state. GET THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF MARRIAGE AND GET THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF OUR PERSONAL LIVES. Your comments are all welcome but please avoid attack. Remember this page is aimed at solving problems rather than beating each other up.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 19:40:36 +0000

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