The amount of people who I have learned have cancer recently is - TopicsExpress


The amount of people who I have learned have cancer recently is getting me down a little. What stands out to me intuitively after mulling it over for awhile, is first of all the thing that always stands out: are we really facing the reality of the feelings we are avoiding and the beliefs that dont work that we perpetuate instead of clearing? Secondly in the last couple weeks it has become alarmingly clear (for some reason) how much toxin is in our environment. We all need Orgonite for our computers and phones, to cancel the EMFs, and we all need to stop using microwaves, stop getting weird radiation vibes if possible, probably stop using so much plastic and of course processed foods with weird things like aspartame in them, putting the phones to our ears and tanning and etc and I dont even want to get into the enviornment and the spills and emissions and even overpopulation: this is probably going to continue to be a much more common occurence unfortunately. IT feels like the stakes are raised, there is so much we cant control, we must live like we are every day deciding what is in integrity with ourselves, what is most important, what is not worth the price, what must be sacrificed. And as much as we have to take in that our job is not necessarily to know but to receive God and Love and the greater plan: It feels like is a reason this happens for everyone that is individual: are we on a spiritual path? Are we doing our work on the spiritual path? Are we really living in the right energy for us? It seems sometimes lately almost like those apocalyptic tv shows, the feeling of them is here, it is now. Its like find a teacher and a healer and talk to your angels because everyone is getting off earth soon unless they are truly growing, needed, and doing what they came here to do right now. No more leeway. Hate to be dramatic, though that is part of my personality. And this could be all that is, but do we want to tempt fate and figure it out? It doesnt feel like it. That is my real, dramatic, X-er selfs intution. Lets get hard core about our integrity, our spiritual commitment, our self-love, our full awareness. Lets stop hiding and cheating and do real Healing!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 06:54:57 +0000

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