The arguments, the arguers, and the explosiveness of the Christian - TopicsExpress


The arguments, the arguers, and the explosiveness of the Christian community. I want to touch briefly on what runs many people away from discussion about their beliefs. So often, as soon as you go public about what you believe, there are a thousand angry Christians ready to thwart and subvert you in order to push their decided agenda. Thats common. Thats the typical reaction from anyone who disagrees with something you espouse. Rather it be an eschatological view, some nuance of the Gospel, or even your favorite baseball team. People love to one-up, argue, and most are very passionate about their own beliefs. However, dont let that silence you. I have said time and time again, that it is not only a struggle to be a Christian, it is also a struggle to find information sometimes. Getting the correct information, or getting to the core of an issue, sometimes requires people to have thick skin and not be too sensitive to opposition and disagreement. I cannot count the number of times that someone disagreeing with me has led to a more extensive understanding of a subject. In fact, many times I have been aggressively corrected, and rightfully so. I am thankful for the many discussions and debates that occur in my life over issues - both in person and online. Now, that being said, there is no reason to argue sinfully. If that starts up, then ignore the person and abandon the conversation. Holiness is not something that is forsaken in the name of knowledge. You can get really good information without having a vitriolic knock-down-drag-out. You should not be so curious or so thirsty for knowledge, that you compromise your spiritual condition or the spiritual condition of the other party. If either you or the person(s) you are conversing with start to get heated or mocking or slanderous or any of the other more ugly forms of discussion, then disappear from that interaction immediately. You should have zero tolerance for being provoked or for provoking others. There is never a good reason to pour grief or animosity on top of other people, or to allow others to do it to you. If you are anxious or nervous or starting to feel overwhelmed, then back down. Its really a simple strategy to avoid sinning or causing others to sin. Lastly, to those who are not involved in church or religion or the Bible, or who have no relationship with Christ, please dont let the mistakes of some spoil the whole. The main goal of all the discussions, and the reason they get heated, is that passionate people are in search of the truth. And fellowship and mutual studies are part of that. We lean on each other for conversation and discussion, and we are desirous of healthy learning and debate. It sharpens us and keeps us alert and focused on the right thing - Gods Word. Sure, sometimes people get out of hand, and some of the most passionate people on earth are those who are Christians, so logically they are going to have problems in communication here and there. And honestly, many Christians are simply not concerned with holiness and more concerned with being right about something. Its ugly pride that causes that. And you should be repulsed by ugly pride. Thats a good thing. But dont abandon the act of discussing and being open about your beliefs merely because a couple wild hairs start to sprout up around you. Over time you learn how to handle these matters and you learn how to cope and extinguish problems like that. But overall, I would not take back one discussion that Ive had over the last few years, because all of them have taught me so much and I have learned things that I never would have known if I just stayed a hermit and refused to be open about my beliefs. Sure, people disagree and act crazy sometimes. I just get over it and do my best to learn how to handle the next conversation even better. Handle yourself righteously, and avoid provoking others to unrighteousness, and really begin to explore and hash out your belief. There are so many fine and outstanding Christians out there who can offer insights and understanding. There is a very good reason to engage others with your beliefs, especially the Gospel because evangelism is a primary duty of every believer.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 07:18:58 +0000

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