The attached article concerning the recent episode involving the - TopicsExpress


The attached article concerning the recent episode involving the Esquivels and the UDP, is indicative of the proverbial PUDP modus operandi. Those who are so inclined normally seek to cloud matters, meanwhile the real issues which affect everyday Belizeans are swept under the rug. To each its own; because everyone is entitled to their opinion. I could care less about the idiosyncrasies associated with PUPD internal politics. The bottom line is that Esquivel-Frampton was allowed to resign, despite a purported shortfall of millions of dollars at the BTB - 7newsbelize/sstory.php?nid=28120&frmsrch=1 . If her parents felt disrespected by this, I must add that regular Belizeans should be so privileged to oversee an entity and be able to simply resign and be afforded an admirable compensation package, meanwhile not being held accountable for that which was under your purview. Our people need to be able to pick sense from the nonsense. Irrespective of how eloquently written this article is, we must deal with the crux of the matter and ask the hard questions. #1 What do you think was the underlying purpose of the article? In my opinion, it is but one of many stealthy attempts by the politically affiliated to attempt to uplift their political party of choice in the minds of readers, by way of attempting to differentiate it, from their opposite number. At least, for me, thats obvious. #2 What difference does it make to regular Belizeans whether the UDP disrespected former PM Esquivel? At the end of the day, it has no effect on those who feel the pain of social inequity on a daily basis. As I mentioned earlier, we all should be privy to such privileged status. #3 Once the smoke and mirrors have been cleared, what is the end result of this scenario? I believe the result, especially for those who are not attuned to what is transpiring before our eyes, is that the status quo shall inevitably be maintained. By this, I mean nothing substantive will have changed. The PUPD paradigm shall be reinforced, as members of one camp will feel empowered (although unjustifiably) to feel as though their party is more gentile than the other. Meanwhile, the power players on both sides of the PUDP non-divide will remain entrenched and the masses of their followers shall unwittingly continue to bolster and maintain an oppressive PUDP political culture in which access to opportunities leading to upward mobility, shall inevitably remain static within the claws of the political elite. For some, the article will prove a rallying call one way or another, but in the end, its all about maintaining the status quo. Let me make it absolutely clear. My view is by no stretch of the imagination, an endorsement of either of the two major political parties. I simply wish to highlight for those who may not have discerned for themselves that, the scenario involving the Esquivels and the attempt by those on the other side of the aisle to attempt to gain political mileage off of it, is part and parcel of what is wrong with Belizes political environment. Some may say, that is how it goes. But I want to remind you that it is we, the people, who give these political parties (and by extension their operatives) the authority act in an inequitable manner and to essentially fortify their stranglehold on our psyche. Belizeans and true friends of Belize, please dont continue to allow yourselves to be manipulated into thinking that either side of PUDP non-divide is any better than the other...because its half a dozen of one and six of the other. Indeed, there may very well be ever-so-slight variations in the manner in which one operates internally, versus the next. But in the end, irrespective of the slight degrees of separation, the fact remains that under both the UDP and the PUP, there exists a privileged few who are Special Belizeans, meaning that they are afforded opportunities that you and I can only dream of. The bottom line is that such a system of political patronage, whether red or blue, simply is not right. Whether they want to admit it or not, the symbiotic relationship shared by the BOTH political parties, is stark reality. Dont forget to sleep wid yu own eye!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:25:06 +0000

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