The audacity to think that you were going to keep murdering black - TopicsExpress


The audacity to think that you were going to keep murdering black people under the guise of law enforcement. Now look...the world is watching/walking in support of families whove fallen victim to those of a certain Mindset. A Mindset that chooses to continuously forecast division and distruction while trying to simultaneously spread democracy across the world. Those same oil rich Arab nations that you try and convert, recognize the blatant hypocrisy you display here in the USA, and you have the nerve to get upset and label them terrorist for refusing to accept your piss as rain on their backs. Think... everything youve tried Slavery, Pig Laws, Jim Crow, Tuskegee Experiment, Aids has either failed or come to affect your way of life in some shape form or fashion. Even the worst epithet you could ever set aside for Blacks was repackaged... and now the N- Word is being used as a term of endearment amongst others cultures.....and yes even amongst your own offspring. Now that was accomplished simply off the influence we have as a divided people. Just imagine what we can do as a United People strictly as a result of being pushed together by your pathway of forecasted destruction. Yes you will bring about your own demise. At this rate it seems as though youre hoisting yourself in the air...and somehow youll manage to kick away the chair...
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 03:23:20 +0000

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