The bible amazes me on how you can read a passage over and over - TopicsExpress


The bible amazes me on how you can read a passage over and over again and one day while reading the same passage you skimmed over it hits you what Jesus was saying. In Matt. 12- (11-12) and He said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the Sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and left it out? Jesus is saying there are instances when you have to be led by the spirit of God and emergencies arrive where it is Gods good pleasure for you to do acts of kindness for the fulfilling of the Law. Helping one of Gods little sheep when they are in dire need is being led by the spirit of God . How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days. What Jesus said is The neighbor that is stranded or in need of assistance or salvation is the fulfilling of the Law of the Sabbath. What He didn’t day was it was ok for His children to have their own fun that day? Jesus said in Matt. 5-17 Think not I have come to destroy the law , or the prophets, I am not come to destroy, but fulfil. In Isaiah 58-13 If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable; and shall honor Him; not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words; ( 14) Then shall thou delight thyself in the Lord and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed the with the heritage of Jacob thy father; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. The heritage of Jacob or Israel is the relationship of knowing Jesus is.God! And hearing from them both. GOD TALKS AND SPEAKS IN DREAMS AND JESUS SPEAKS TO OUR SPIRIT THROUGH THE PROMPTING S OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. John 14-21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he is that loveth me;----------(Jesus is saying If we love Jesus we will keep His commandments.) SHALL BE LOVED OF MY FATHER, AND I WILL LOVE HIM, AND ------(THIS IS REALLY COOL YALL THINK ABOUT THIS VERSE) ------AND WILL MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM. THIS MEANS IF WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS HE WILL LET US KNOW HE IS GOD AND GOD DOES NOT CHANGE; MALACHI 3-6 FOR I AM THE LORD, I CHANGE NOT . We just thought He had changed because man taught us He changes, another test to see who will we follow God /Jesus or man? Jesus in Hebrews 13-8 Jesus Christ is the same today yesterday and forever. God and Jesus are the same kind of like separating play dough > It is still play dough even if it is not in one lump. We have individual thought patterns because of sin. Jesus was pure and Holy and without sin so His thoughts are the same as Gods thoughts. 100 percent pure and Holy! The 10 commandments have been sown in our hearts to plant good seed so we can be transformed by loving our neighbor (last 6)and loving God (1st 4) by keeping His commandments. Acts 5-Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. (Did you notice they didn’t say Jesus they said God. And the next verse is saying if we obey God we will be given the Holy Spirit. (32) AND WE ARE His witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost whom ----God---Hath given to THEM THAT OBEY HIM. (Obey who ?God)
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 23:20:47 +0000

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