The big con. Are we falling for it? #auspol #ausvotes The - TopicsExpress


The big con. Are we falling for it? #auspol #ausvotes The scene: The Abbott Government early in its first term badly miscalculates the mood of the electorate and introduces the most hated budget in history. A string of lies and broken promises see their polls plunge and Abbott takes the mantle of the most despised PM in history. Come July a hostile Senate and compromises are needed to get the budget passed. The government loses control and cannot govern without obstruction. The solution. Find MH370. Failed Recover MH17. Failed Play the terrorist card with no specific intelligence Get Murdoch to whip up public hysteria and racial and religious tensions Carry out staged raids that fail to result in arrests or major charges but give them huge publicity to exacerbate the climate of fear Beg Iraq to let us bomb them Soften the electorate for a war tax to make up for compromises made on the budget Play the hero in the war on terror but call it a humanitarian operation Con Labor into supporting the war and new anti terror laws that continue to turn us into a fascist state by proxy With a mute opposition helping, carry out a media blitz showing Abbott and as many terrorists as possible Fool people into thinking the government listened by scrapping unpopular measures. Wait till the polls rise. Just before some of the unpopular changes take effect and with the polls up, call a snap DD to seize the Senate. Win both houses, reintroduce original budget and ALL harsh measures previously scrapped as the Senate will rubber stamp. When: I am predicting two dates. If we suffer fatalities in Iraq, shortly after if the polls are high. Possibly November or Call just before Easter, campaign over the Holidays, election straight after. This, I believe, is the plan. We must be ready, not caught asleep at the wheel. No second term, no second chance. Philip
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:11:55 +0000

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