The brightest star in the night sky is called Syrius, like - TopicsExpress


The brightest star in the night sky is called Syrius, like Syria.There is a city in Syria called Al Quasyr.Like "Quasar" which is a massive and extremely remote celestial object, emitting exceptionally large amounts of energy.Arithmetic was taken from India to Baghdad and the numbers from zero to nine are Arabic numerals.Imagine doing long division in Roman numerals!!Algebra,Algorithm,and a bunch of other complex things I am not smart enough to understand come from Arabic science which was savagely put to a standstill by an asshole who said "math is the work of the devil"Imagine the brilliance that could have expressed itself, but did not. And now, a multinational force is poised to converge on Syria and it sucks
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 06:48:06 +0000

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